
Are there any damges that can be cuased to the eyes when weraing contact lenses?

by  |  earlier

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over an extended period of time?

I'm not talking about extended hours i mean using contact lenses for years and years can this cause any long term side effects or damages to the eyes?




  1. as long as you are following all the precautions and keeping them clean like you are supposed to there should be no negative effects.  if something happens to get stuck to them that is small and sharp or if they aren't being cleaned properly, you can get abrasions on your eyes, but that is due to negligence and not the actual useage of the lens.

  2. Well my cousin had worn his lenses for waaaay too long without taking them out and they had started to fuse to his cornea.

    As long as you don't wear them longer than you are supposed to, keep them clean, etc, I don't know of any long term ill effects of wearing contact lenses. I've worn them for 8 years and my vision hasn't really changed in all that time.

  3. Yep, extended lens wearers may have an increased risk for corneal infections and corneal ulcers, primarily due to poor care and cleaning of the lenses, tear film instability, and bacterial stagnation. Corneal neovascularization has historically also been a common complication of extended lens wear, though this does not appear to be a problem with silicone hydrogel extended wear. The most common complication of extended lens use is conjunctivitis, usually allergic or giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC), sometimes associated with a poorly fitting contact lens.

  4. yes, if u dont take good care of the lenses and ur eye sight.

  5. I wear daily contact lenses.

    When I was wearing the monthy contact lenses I had a lot of trouble and got an eye infection, which thank God I got it treated in time or I would not be able to read this question out of one of my eyes.

    I have been useing daily contact lenses for about two years now and never had a problem with them, i work in a busy hot kitchen for long hours and wear my lenses for far longer than sugested. It is worth paying the extra £3 ($6) a month for the 'elite' daily contact lenses.

    I prefer contact's because glasses dont suit me and I like the perifial vision you get in contacts which you dont get in glasses because the corner of your eye is not in focus.

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