
Are there any dance cheers for inbetween or right before a volleyball game to pump up the team?

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our team already knows the cheers little sally walker and a cheer called do it. but we like to have a vartiety and choices also.. does anybody know any good cheers? we like to dance and yell too if that helps at all.




  1. okay so..

    there is one person in the middle and everyone goes..

    here we go, round and round. here we go, this is how we do it!

    (then they choose one person in the circle and say..)

    front to front to front , my baby, back to back to back, my baby,

    side to side to side, my baby.  

    (and then after you do it to that person they go in the middle and do the dance! its really fun! when the person says front to front to front you both have to crump or whatever. and then when they say back to back to back you do the same thing except your turned around. then when they say side to side to side you do the same thing except sideways) CONFUSING!

  2. we yell

    PUMP PUM PUMP IT UP! (pump pump pump it up)

    PUMP THAT __________-insert school- SPIRIT UP (keep that ____________ spirit up)

    KEEP KEEP KEEP IT UP! (keep keep keep it up)

    KEEP THAT ____ SPIRIT UP! (keep that ___ spirit up!)

    JAM JAM JAM IT UP! (jam jam jam it up!)

    JAM THAT ____ SPIRIT UP (jam that ___ spirit up!)

    PUMP, KEEP, JAM that ____ SPIRIT UP! (pump keep jam that ___ spirit up)  

    yell all of that while clapping at a steady beat.

  3. use your team mascot instead of rebles)

    Rebles got the rhythm

    (Rebles got the rythm)

    Rebles got the motion

    (rebles got the motion)

    when we get together

    (when we get together)


    (we start a big comotion)e start a big comotion..

    boom-shakalakalaka BOOM!!

    I  luv this one

    Ya ya you know it!

    (who shanks the best)

    ya ya you know it from the east to the west,

    we are the rebles


    we are so fine

    (yeha) you mess with us,

    (yeah)you fall behind!


    repeat song with difrent words instead of fine.

  4. There's one i learned at camp this summer...when your server gets it over the net, and the other team can't even get to it, the point's yours, you all join in a circle in the middle and scream "ACE!" together. It sounds supa pants cool.

  5. well this one isn't much of a cheer but it is a good way to pump up the team.

    find a fast song that everyone knows and right before you start warming up play the song on a little CD player or iPod player and just get in a circle and dance.

    It's fun and intimidating.

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