
Are there any dangerous spiders that live in ireland??

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ok. so there is a large spider in my room. it looks somewhat like a common household spider.(the ones that are usually larger than other spiders anyway with long legs and a small body) but it is significantly larger than they are (a little bigger than the size of my hand with legs outstreched) so maybe 6 inches x 4inches. also it has a more defined knee joint with the legs beign thicker at the top than the bottom and and the 'shin' part sticks up past the 'knee' joint a few milimeters.

anyway, its a creepy looking spider and i cannot kill it or catch it for all my effort, and i would preferr not to have to sleep in the room while it's still there....


are there any poisonus spiders in ireland?

how might i identify this one?(websites, do you know yourself?)

how can i catch the little blighter? i tryed using the hoover but he just runs and i'm just scared enough of spiders to not like grabbing one so big with my hands...i threw a book at him but he didn't die, or even seem phased....ideas??




  1. lol that guy was funny he said you were gonna die...lmao na for reel lol yea there are just like there are anywhere elese...

  2. Supposedly there are no poisonus snakes or spiders in Ireland but there have been cases where Black Widows have come from shipments to Ireland.

    The best way to identify him would be take a pic and post in a spider-specific forum.

  3. don't let spiders in your room. even if it's not poisonous it will still hurt if it bites you.

  4. there are no poisonous spiders indigenous to ireland in fact there isn't any dangerous insect life so dont worry

    try typing in arachnid in search engine this will lead you to all and any spiders world wide  

  5. did u know that the most poisonist spider is the daddy long leg but it has no teath so it can't hurt u but if it did then we would be in trouble

  6. It sounds fine... get it with a fly swatter and a paper towel. If it has a large round abdomen (butt)... it's a black widow and you should be very careful.

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