
Are there any daycare jobs that you can bring your child and still make some money?

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Are there any daycare jobs that you can bring your child and still make some money?




  1. Absolutely! I worked as a teacher's aide for a daycare center and my children attended the center at a discounted rate. I also felt much more comfortable with them being at the same center, because I was able to check on them throughout the day (with them being only a short distance away). At the end of the day, you and the daycare center both earn a little money. I hope everything works out in your favor:-)

  2. It really depends on your qualifications. Most centers would require a Early Childhood degree to be a full-fledged teacher. If you have this, the discount would make it cost-effective. It really is not cost-effective to be an assistant in a center. I was really lucky, because previous to having my child, I was working as an assistant at a home-based daycare. I was able to continue at the same rate and bring my child with me. I would look into this option, as a lot of home based daycares want extra help, esp. in the summer when they have school aged children they want to take on trips along with their younger children. Also, check websites like Craigslist There are a lot of jobs out there and many people just looking for SAHM to watch their children. In-home daycares require you to be CPR certified and First Aid certified if you are going to be alone with the children for any lengh of time. (Something I think should be pushed on us when we become parents anyway!) Good luck finding something in your area. A lot of cities have a home-daycare association that you could call to find where the home-daycares are located. It doesn't hurt to call around and see if anyone is looking for help!

  3. You could try having a home-daycare because then you don't have to leave, you make all the money, and your child gets in for free. If you don't want to do that, I'm sure you could just ask the daycare director for job openings. Good luck!

  4. Some daycares will allow you to bring your children for a small fee. Also keep in mind that expierence in babysitting isn't the same thing that day cares are looking for in their providers of care.  Most reputable day cares require a degree in early child hood education and cpr training and some even require a 2 year nursing degree.  Home based day cares don't all require these things.

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