
Are there any deep meanings behind a simple stone?

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Like, if you were to look at every stone, would there be something special about each one? What would it be... if you can think of something. I've got a few ideas, but I'm just wondering if anyone can relate the average stone or rock with something with a deep, special meaning.

Please. I don't want to look down to simple things, but I want to see more behind the simple things. So, I'm starting with rocks.





  1. As we may know that rocks and stones have many varieties from earthy rocks to crystal minerals.

    Rocks are product of mother nature, when they were developing, the process was fixed by nature itself with the energy gradually absorbed in its substance. That it is also how mineral stones were nutured. As to say they were subtly energized by mother nature. Growing in time with the atmosphere in its surroundings.

    Every kind of rock or stone has its own unique way of development as they were also in categorized in different shapes, colors, textures or even in composition of mineral form.

    Each rock or stone has its powerful significance. Usually used in broad spiritual performances such as healings and protections from sickness or negativities. There said to be proven lucky by spiritual experts too. Since from the past.

    Although we should also take note of unlucky ones too, like the highly radioactive rare stones like ekanite and many times stronger radioactive uraninite rocks or stones. It will cause the user harmful effects with the amount of the emission of radiation in direct use of that stone.

    However as we all know that although rocks from mother nature had been nurtured by nature itself, Not really all of them were truly safe too as tested by a stone expertise. Needless to say that rocks are living stones. Bound with its own unique energy power from gentle to fierce compared by different characteristics. Just like be of good or not.

    They are the precious treasures that lies beneath the amazing and very rich earth.

    Rocks and stones.

  2. Rocks are amazing to me because each (natural) one has been shaped over hundreds of thousands to millions of years ... and you get the priviledge of picking up this melded confluence of earth's elements that might have used to be a mountain, or was in the center of the earth and pushed out by a volcano, or might have hit the earth millions ago from outter space.

    Most rocks likely have a longer history than any living thing you run across on the surface of the Earth.

    Let's not get started on sand ...

  3. meaning applies only to words and other language structures.  meaning is what a language structure refers to, or denotes.  stop looking for meaning in stones.  purpose, ok; but not meaning.  again, words have meanings.  that's all.  looking for meanings in other things is looking in the wrong place, like looking for stars in car tires.

  4. When we look at the stone, does it look back at us, wondering what all these animals are?

    How do we know if the stone is not in any way conscious of its surrounding nor is it alive in a sense that couldn't be understood by human?

    Less abstractly, couldn't the stone be part of this living universe -- much like a fallen hair from our body being examined out of context?

    Or, are we just reading too much into this simple stone?

  5. God is a stone within a stone. Not my words, Each and every thing on this planet has God in it. We could not exist otherwise, what deeper insight could you need for a stone, but let me ask you this Will you look deep enough within yourself to find God.

  6. Practitioners of meditation will frequently gaze upon a rock, observing its flow or shape or flaws, and using its strength of form as a guide for their trances. The exercise is called "watching the stone grow". The stone does not literally grow, of course, but over time your eyes focus solely upon the stone; your mind tunes everything else out. This promotes mental peace and harmony as your conscious mind "lets go", and you become more like the rock.

    This is an extremely relaxing form of meditation, but it takes practice. The rocks, of course, have been doing this for millions of years. ;-)

    One can learn much from rocks.

  7. Look at the rock cycle: igneous rocks to erosion to compaction and cementation to sedimentary rocks to heat and pressure to metamorphic rocks to melting to igneous rocks. On and on and on.

    Or, make up the history of the rock: maybe Henry VIII once held that very rock. Maybe Joan of Arc skipped that rock across a lake once.

    Or, for every rock, think of something nice about someone you don't like very much.

    Hope I helped! Sorry if my answer was kind of abstract!

  8. Yes, Y not ??

    I have read about an architect who used to play music with nothing but stones. He simply used to hit on the stone and play great music. He says, each piece of stone makes a "swara" (musical note). Each stone was special for him for that reason.

    The main character in "Ayn Rand's" novel ,"The Fountainhead", who is an architect, .. when he sees a stone in the evening sun, he gets inspired by it, and  finds it very special, and his very next thought is, wat i can do with this stone ?? . He felt like that because of his passion. May be he will find each and every stone special. Because stone is not a small thing for him. He understands what makes each stone special, for him, and for his passion. Same was true with the first person also.

    Each and every "small" (actually nothing is small) has a meaning. Its all about how you see them, how you value them, how you use them.

  9. there is something unique, but not special.  There is no deep meaning to anything

  10. Yes. It comes from the stone age :-D

  11. It took a long time for that specific rock to be that rock.

    It took the heat of the earths core, the shocking cold of the earths air when erupted, the solid setting in the earth when it cooled and the immense and overbearing weight of a mountain to crush it to it's density. It took great upheavals to wrest it from the mountain. It took millenniums to grind it down to size and all told in time? Literally millions of years to make it a "rock".

    It took the womb of your mother to create you and you took the same channel into life as everyone else did. You came into the cold air and like the lava of the earths womb you felt the scream of life. It took years to press life's experience on you and it takes a lot of upheaval to separate you from your family, to go out on your own.

    Like the rock it will take a very long time for you to be made. It will take pressures, daily grinds, fears, separations, hard years and tough lessons to make you. Like a rock, it takes a very long time for you to be made.

    That's the best I can give you on the philosophy of rocks and I do hope it helps you to see yourself in a more patient and different manner.

    All the best to you in your endeavours.

  12. history of the stone

  13. once was a larger ONE... is small and simple, how much bigger do you want to make it for YOU...

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