
Are there any dining or social etiquette in Ireland?

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Are there any dining or social etiquette in Ireland?




  1. not that I know of-we dont have any in my family anyway :D

  2. If you are an American try and remember that he fork goes in the left hand and the knife goes in the right hand! Try it, it's also much more efficient than the cut with knife in R.hand, put down knife, transfer fork from left to right hand, spear food with right hand/fork and put to mouth. This is not considered good table manners over in Ireland/UK and alot of Europe.

  3. Dining etiquette is pretty much the same anywhere. Napkin in your lap, elbows off the table, don't talk with your mouth full. Most of all enjoy yourself.

  4. Well i'm Irish and I can't think of anything that we do diferent... some families say grace others don't... some people will embrace a stranger, while otheres will merely mutter hello, just don't ask if we have leprechauns or not!

  5. I've been to Ireland 3 times, and one custom I noticed is that the Irish eat their fries (chips) with a fork instead of by hand.

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