
Are there any divorced people out there that were completely shocked that they ended up divorced?

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  1. I was married for close on 13 years and I was even the one that filed for the divorce, only three months later did I break down and just could'nt believe that I was divorced. So I think no matter where you are in your life, even the word gives us a bitter taste in our mouth. We have been programmed by stories of "happily ever after" and we need to believe in it.  

  2. YES.  I can't believe my husband filed just last week.  He's serious too.  And this is a man that came from this religious back ground with a family that would most likely disown him for leaving his wife.  By the time this divorce is final we'll have been married for 10 years.  Plus 2 years of dating.  I threatened him with divorce many times because he didn't want marriage counseling.  It was the only tool I knew to use to make him snap to things he needed to be doing like taking me out once in a while or how about not talking about his ex every 3 days for the last 11 years.  It was tough to deal with so I threatened either knock it off or I'm out.  This was in hopes that he would knock it off but he just couldn't help himself.  He left me paying most of the bills too which is totally unfair since he makes more.  But none the less we are getting divorced now and I'm still surprised because I didn't think he would pursue this.

  3. Not a dumb question at all. When I came home and my now ex-wife told me she was leaving, I was totally floored. She said it wasn't my fault She said she was not happy and there was no way I was going to make her happy. I told her she should have thought about that BEFORE we got married. I guess I was blind to it all.

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