My 8 year old daughter has petechiae spots on her legs, butt, back neck, and on the inside of her cheeks. I noticed them about 2 days ago and thought nothing of it accept that it looked like a strange bruise until the one on her neck appeared today. Now I have read nothing but bad on line and am getting concerned. I would normally just take her to the dr. but we have no insurance coverage until Monday, and if we go to the dr and they say there is a serious problem our insurance will not cover anything for a year due to the pre existing condition clause. She is not having any symptoms other than the strange bruising, and she had a nose bleed today, but I am really scared and don't know what to do! If it is something serious, wouldn't there be other symptoms such as a fever....I realize my child's health is more important than $, I just can't decide what to do at this point.....I hate that insurances can do that! It really puts people in a crappy position!