
Are there any doctors out there that actually listen, or care?

by  |  earlier

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I have switched doctors once already because nothing ever got answered. My new Dr found the new problems, after I asked for the MRI & other tests for 6 months, but has done nothing about it. Should I switch again, or is it a waste of time?




  1. Sorry to say but it will be a waist of time to switch.  Doctors though they are ethically obligated to help there are many restrictions they must follow per the insurance companies.  An MRI and other scans are very costly tests and if they cannot show "just cause" and run less expensive tests to rule out a problem they you may end up with a bill from your insurance company because they refuse to pay.  Be patient but persistent.  Switching doctors will only bring you back to square one.  Good luck.

  2. You can try to get another doctor, but you might have more luck bugging this one.

    My family doctor brushed me off for almost a year with ear problems I was having. I managed to get him to give me a CAT scan and it was clear. He basically told me to stop complaining. But I kept on him and eventually got the testing I needed, which showed I had Meniere's disease. That was an I TOLD YOU SO moment.

    You know yourself better than a doctor. If he's not listening, write out a letter to him (calmly) explaining all your symptoms and how they relate to each other.

    Remember, doctors see a lot of whiny people and become callus after a while. Not good but it helps to understand. Some doctors are great. My new family doc (I moved) believes me when I say I'm in pain, even tho I'm not the type to really show it.

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