
Are there any drinks avalible in english supermarkets that are similare to kool aid?

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i have watched alot of american films and in most of them they drink kool aid and i really want to try some but its not avalible in england so i was wondering if any supermarkets sold a similar drink?




  1. I don't know for sure about England, as I live in Canada, but in my experience, any crystallized or powdered drink mix tastes pretty much like koolaid. The trick is to add waaayyyy too much sugar, or if it's a drink crystal that already has the sugar mixed in, just don't add enough water.

    The basic idea of koolaid is it is an overly sweet, fake-flavoured and sometimes way-too-brightly-colored-to-be-healthy beverage.  

  2. Kool aid is basically a fruit juice that needs to be diluted, but in powder form

  3. Koolaid is simply powder that has flavoring and coloring in it.  You add the sugar and water yourself.

    I would suggest trying a supermarket on the tea and coffee isle (or nearby like the juice isle)

  4. don't even bother kool aid is GROSS

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