
Are there any eating utensils besides chopsitcks and fork/kinfe/spoon used by other cultures?

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  1. Hands.  I know specifically Hindus (at least traditionally) eat with their right hand only because the left is considered unclean.

  2. Hands, knife alone, and other pieces of food. For example a piece of 'bread' would be used to grab the food in Ethiopian meals.

    Some interesting quick history regard eating utensils:

    The chopstick was invented and ordered to be used to control obesity in China. It forced them to eat slower, thus eating less.

    The fork was invented to control lethal weapons in France. People used to eat with a knife they carried with them. It was believed to dangerous to allow individuals to be armed with knives all the time, so the king ordered every house to have a set of forks. He also declared knives to be illegal.

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