
Are there any entry requirements for emigrating to Spain from the UK?

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We would be renting a property, with a view to buying a property in the future, and retiring.




  1. None, the EU dictates free movement of people, goods and services between member states.

    You will have to get an NIE number (similar to National Insurance) to get utilities connected, work and eventually buy a property.

  2. Hi just to clarify a point made by Eugene, the retention applies to the propery no the person so the max retention is 5%, however as of the 3rd Jan 2007 there was an equalisation of capital gains tax, previously 35% for non residents and 16% fro residents, the new flat rate is 18% and as a result the retention has been reduced to 3%. Hope this clears it up


  3. Nope....

    ... However.... You want to check out a few resources on the EU website about transferring health and social security benefits. The UK will give you all the necessary forms if you ask for them and the Spanish will then set you up in their system. This is very important for medical, pension & unemployment rights.

  4. If you have a British passport (or EU) and not wanted for any crimes, there is none. You have a right to work and stay there. Lots of Brits do it and in some parts, you will feel very much at home (bad if you wanted to get away from 'them' in the first place).

    That's the legal position, but to be really welcomed, try and learn Spanish too, if you don't already know it.

  5. No.  Spain is part of the EU so you do not need any special requirements.  We moved here 3 years ago..  As previously said by one of the answerer's, you will need a NIE number to buy a property, however this is easily obtainable.  You will find that even to buy a motor vehicle here you will need a certificate (not sure what it is called), obtainable from the Town Hall.  The bureaucracy drives you mad, you need special permissions for this and that, but when you have come to grips with it, life here is pretty fantastic.  I wouldn't return to the U.K. from choice.  Email me if you have any other questions and I will be happy to help you if I can.

  6. Hi!!

    You don't need anything to come here; only your passport.

    You can stay and work here all what you want.

    Both we are from the UE.


  7. You are wise to rent first but before you do, stay in a hotel or hostal and discover as much about the area as you can and ask the locals. Consider whether you want or need to be near shops etc or in the countryside.Do you drive? if not look at the local and national transport system, does it suit your needs. Do you need to be close to the airport or hosp etc. Look at your budget and then look at it again and DO NOT stretch yourself even though this or that might seem tempting

    All you need is your passport, but I would add, get some passport photos done as you will need them when you least expect, due to the bureaucracy over here, and copies of your passport, they are always handy.

    If you are on medication make sure you have enough to last at least a month.

    Don't forget the sun tan lotion and your best smile because you will be wearing it often when you get here

    No doubt you will have a lot to do before you leave the UK but if

    you email me I will send you a complete check list of things to run through.

    Good luck and safe journey

  8. We have recently done what you are planning on doing, rented first then bought. But ensure you obtain an NIE number, from the local police comisaria, But also be aware that if you should wish to sell your house in the future and you are not registered as a resident the Spanish Main Bank will retain 5% of thesale and if it is in joint names 10%.

    But hey, we moved with two young children 4 & 7 and we love it, but do take Spanish lessons as you will be more accepted if you are seen to be trying to get involved.

  9. As long as you hold a British passport you can come and live in Spain with no let or hinderance and receive your U.K. pension into a Spanish bank account.

    If you wish to find out about applying for residencia you may find this article interesting:-


    and also this article about retiring to Spain may be of interest to you:-


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