
Are there any evil Republicans that eventually saw the light and became good Democrats?

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Or is it true that once you turn to the dark side there's no turning back?




  1. An evil Republican IS a good Democrat...

  2. republican to dems -  dont know, not even sure what those labels mean anymore.

    conservative to liberal - nope, you either grow up or you dont

  3. Just because someone holds a different ideology than you does not make them evil.  People adhere to different values and ideas.  Should I generalize and assume that you hate anyone who disagrees with you?  What would that say about you?

    "Even a fool appears wise when his/her mouth is shut"

  4. do america a favor and move out of the country, just leave, all you can do is destroy this country by being here, its one thing to have different opinions its another thing to think people you disagree with is "evil"

    even your boy obama would tell you that

    your parents should be slapped for not using a condom

  5. yep, Bush cured me of voting republican.  I am a fiscal conservative and after Reagan and the Bushes running up the national debt, devaluing the dollar and pretty much f'ing up the economy I could not vote that way any more.  Also the whole notion of putting discrimination into the constitution didn't make sense either.  i don;t think the Dem's are perfect either by any stretch but I won't be voting for the republicans until they become the party of fiscal responsibility again.

  6. nope. Still an evil republican.  

  7. Sometimes you think its hot being in the fryin pan so when you jump out you just land on the fire. Obama being a radical commie and socialist is the main reason  I'm a republican these 4 yrs.

  8. Well according to Ann Coulter if Democrats had any brains they would be Republicans.

  9. why would you say we are evil?  Just because we like to steal from the poor to give to the rich and pollute the environment and kill children, as long as they are different then us, and destroy the middle class, and run up the national debt, and destroy the public education system so only the rich can afford education, and privatize everything so the rich can get richer, and force MY version of the christian religion on everyone and ...

    why would you say we are evil?

  10. i was a repoblican. as soon as i heard Obama speak, i changed my political party. i am a Democrat and proud of it. i saw the light.

  11. Nope, once evil, always evil.  

  12. I went through a weird point when I went from Democrat to Moderate and back to Democrat. I don't know why, but I kind of understood the Republicans for a little bit. But I was never really passionate about issues. Now I feel passion for what I believe in. It's much better on this side.

    Warren: If Republicans had hearts they'd be Democrats.

  13. They can all turn on a dime, if money and power are at stake  

  14. The more educated a person becomes and the more life experience people get the more likely it is that they will be conservatives.

    Hmmmm!  How do you account for that?

  15. I don't know, but there are tons of Republicans who are disenchanted with their party and are voting for Obama.

  16. There are a number of Republicans who became Democrats but they were never evil. Among the best known are Julie Nixon, Susan and Dwight Eisenhower, Rita Hauser Ex Rep Jim Leach, ex Sen Lincoln Chafee, Ex Mayor John Lindsay, ex Rep Ogden Reid, Ex Sen Don Riegle, , Ex Montana  State Rep Susan Good, and thousands more.Also Federal Judge Robert Sweet

  17. I'm a Moderate Democrat however I never really shifted to the Republican side.

    The Republican agenda is just a bunch of bs, just the like the Democratic agenda

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