
Are there any examples of superhuman ability?

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some people believe (although many scientists have dis-proved) that we only use 10% of our brain. some people even believe that locked in parts of our unused brain that we may have the ability to do things such as move objects with our minds (telekinesis). have there been any real examples of this, or any other remarkable "superhuman" abilities? This is for research so please list examples/references where possible. Thank you




  1. I think people can use more than 10% of the brain, but you have to unlock it.  Some of the other 90% controls mood and other things we cannot control, but some of it we could use. Most of the rest helps control energy.

    Before Christianity, Judaism, and Muslim came along people used more of their brains. Those three religions were created to lock those powers away.

  2. I do not know of any superhuman abilities. I do not believe things like telekinesis are possible no matter how much we evolve.

    As for using 10% of our brain, that is only a myth. We use all of our brain, just not at the same time. We use different parts are for different functions.

  3. The 10% thing is not a myth but its not talking about brain power (as in abilities like mind over matter), its talking about human potential. Or more over the ways in which we think, understand, reason, create, plan goals, and set out to accomplish them.

    Your brain is constantly active, eri is right about that. You are only consciously aware of a fraction of the information your brain is receiving at any given time. To see what I mean just stop what you are doing right now and listen around you -what are you touching, hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, whats your heart rate, how fast are you breathing, can you feel the clothes you are wearing touch your skin? How much of whats going on around you are you actually aware of?

    That which you are aware of in your day to day life, not just your senses but your emotions, state of mind, physical health, personal capability and so forth all make up the 10% average a person uses of their actual potential. In reality you wouldn't want to think with 100% of your brain at one time because it would just be overwhelming. Think about what if would be like to be constantly aware of all the things stimulating your senses, ever itch, change in the weather, the things going on around you and on and on. Perhaps to the point where your brain would just shut down.

    As far as documented cases of superhuman ability I think the best example that most people can relate to are cases where a small child was stuck under a heavy object like a car and an average sized person musters the strength to left the car just long enough for the child to escape. But thats not paranormal. Thats your body in over drive, pumping massive amounts of adrenaline.

    As far as documented cases of true paranormal ability there are ample examples but most have ben debunked or cited as fraudulent.

    I disagree with the notion that there is no place in the brain that is capable of producing super natural feats. I think such phenomena, if they do exist, happen in the brain much like dreaming. Dreams have no single starting point. Instead the whole brain goes through a sort of cascade effect, where different areas are stimulated randomly. So in the case of TK or ESP I would bet that the brain would behave somewhat similarly and multiple areas would be activitated - but thats just my opinion.

  4. The answer to this is what you would consider "superhuman". Many people cite things like high intellect, superior strength, and dexterity as superhuman when they're promoting someone who has one of these traits (say, for a Guinness Book of World Records scenario, where they're proving it). Others would say that the ability to eat 180 hot dogs in 12 minutes is superhuman. Still others want mutant super powers like the X-Men comic books.

    Your definition seems to refer to the paranormal, and while there are countless accounts of people having these kinds of powers, nobody has yet proved that they can do these things. The Randi prize (a US $1 million prize) is offered for anyone who can demonstrate any such power. To date, nobody has, though I tend to consider some of the requirements they place on the testing to be unreasonable. The goal in Randi's case is to promote skepticism, rather than to prove the truth of any matter, and so I consider most of what they do to be entirely unreasonable.

    The Zener-Rhine test for ESP was supposed to be one such test, but it tends to work on chance and the law of averages. With100 tests of 25 cards each, I have seen perfect scores and impressive scores, but my own score is only barely above the average, and well within the standard deviation. What that test seems to measure is luck.

    There are also numerous accounts in folklore that point to superhuman ability, but these are either so fantastic that they can't be believed, or possible through means other than paranormal.

    Theories and personal experiences are great, but they don't actually offer anything in the way of concrete evidence. Evidence to support the idea is present, but shaky at best; conversely, evidence to dismiss is also tenuous. There is just enough evidence to cast doubt on both sides of the question, and thus the only rational response can be to suspend judgment and search for the truth of the matter.

    Because this is an opinion based on personal experience over years of paranormal investigation, there are no sources to cite and no academic research on my part. Thus, I must explain that my claims are based only on my own experience and research (mostly done years ago), none of which was either scientific or academic in nature.

  5. We use all of our brain, just not all the time.  The 10% thing is a myth.  And there's no part of your brain that will let you break the laws of physics.

  6. If by superhuman you mean far beyond ordinary, then there is no question that there are superhuman abilities. And it's not the least bit controversial. These superhumans are called geniuses.

    No one doubts that some people have intellectual, intuitive, mathematical, musical, athletic or creative skills that are genuinely super as compared to the average person. No one has the slightest  clue how Mozart, or Ramanujan, or a short list of other geniuses throughout history, were able to do what they did. But their contributions changed the course of history and civilization.

    There are still rare geniuses among us. But even they don't understand their "powers."

    My guess is that genius is part of larger spectrum of exceptional human abilities, which includes psychic abilities. But that's another story.

  7. Under the panic of stress and huge amounts of hormones shooting into the system from the adrenal glands, even a non-athlete woman's been able to lift a car off of a family member.  There might be a stress fracture or two.

  8. If a human has done it, it is within the realm of human abilities, thus, not superhuman, ipso facto.

  9. We are saving money to send our 2 year old to baby super hero school. Gravity has no affect on him and he appears to be made of rubber.

    1-bounces when he falls from half way up the refrigerator.

    2-somehow gets into windows that are halfway up the walls

    3-jumps from the bed to the floor and laughs after he BOUNCES!!

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