
Are there any exercises for my eyes so I can improve my vision a little?

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  1. I have heard that fast action videogames are helpful to the human eyesight. Many parents think that this is not true but fast-action video games help your hand-eye cordination & the help human eyes. If you live on your own then i say buy fast action video games! if not then it will be hard to convince your parents to let you play video games all the time (if they dont already let you play them!)

  2. carrots are known to improve eyesight..start munching..

  3. what i do is once and a while i look at a fan on high and try to follow one of them it gives ur eyes and exersice

  4. i have awful vision and i went to like one of those health food stores and looked at herbal supplements and took bilberry, my grandfather took it and his vision improved greatly the dr said. i on the other hand didnt take it religiously because thats just something i dont do, i dont stick with things long.

  5. hmm, wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun. Don't wash your eyes right when you woke up in the morning, wait at least 10min before washing it, don't read books with too much light. I think this will help little to avoid getting your eyes too tired.

  6. Unfortunately not.  Vision is determined by the size and shape of your eye, and no exercises will change these.

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