
Are there any experience stock brokers in Houston that can teach me more about the stock market?

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What ever time that is reasonable for you would be great for me. IHN the afernoon would be great. Lunch is on me.




  1. 1. stok broker is a salesman.  Yu wanna lern from a salesman?

    no wae babe.

  2. I agree with "A Nobody" apparently they have experience, not only in the industry, but dealing with sales reps

    Take the advice you were given, no one, especially a sales rep, can teach you that much over lunch.

    Most stockbrokers, if you did meet them for lunch you would have to buy, and they would probably try to sell you something after they talked you into opening a new account with their firm.

    Listen to experience  

  3. I recommend an online brokerage firm that has good beginner qualitys {like tutorials or an easy to understand set up}, i use zecco, better then schwab, etrade, etc. they are the only ones with free stock trades, no minumums..all the others will charge you fees for trading, but compare and see for yourself. Good luck and happy investing!

  4. My advice to you is to go to the library and check out as many books as you can about mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and the stock market in general. Stock brokers are there to sell you a product. They are there to make a commission off of you. When I was a brand new investor I TRUSTED a very sweet, motherly woman who promised me that within 10 years I could double the money I had to invest. She failed to inform me about the high fees connected to the mutual funds she put my money into,  she did not tell me that the funds she put me into had been losing money for a quite a long time, and she failed to inform me that the bank connected to the investing firm she was with was in a great deal of financial trouble. Needless to say that as I learned more and more about the stock market and investing, I began to realize that I had been "taken".  So learn as much as you can BEFORE  you invest. Read, read, read and use the internet. One of the other folks answering your question mentioned "Investopedia"; it is a wonderful resource for learning. Also Morningstar and Market Watch have sections for learning about stocks and the market. Good luck and remember that knowledge is power.  

  5. A stock broker is a sales person, and one of the last person in the investing world you would want to teach you any thing.

    Believe me, I've managed many of them over the years.

    A stock broker could tell you everything they now over lunch, as long as it's not more that 5 minutes.

    Any stock broker that takes time off to go to lunch is not a good broker, since they don't have enough business to keep them busy or enough inititive to call or solicite for new clients.

    Here is some reading material that can get you started in the right direction, The first book you should read is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

    Then try some of these

    What Works on Wall Street by James O'Shaunessey

    Beating the Street by Peter Lynch

    One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch

    The Warren Buffett Way by Robert Hagstrom

    How to Make Money in Stocks” and 24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success both by  William O’Neil

    Get into the habit of making daily visits to some websites like MSN Money and Yahoo Finance.  ( )

    While at MSN following the strategy lab analysts to get a feel for what the pros are doing and why.  This site has some basic information for beginners. If any site offers free information, take it.

    Other website that can provide instructions and help with procedures and terminology are

    Investopedia -  Stock Charts -

    Visit some of the more professional websites like Zacks -

    Smart Money -  Schaeffer’s –

    Some of these web sites will have advertisers who are worth looking into also.  And remember, if they offer free information, get it.

  6. Hey id be glad to let you pick my brain for a while.  I'm on the northside of town.  Contact me at and we can set something up.

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