
Are there any experts out there that know about global warming?

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I know what global warming is, and I know and believe it is a serious problem threatening our world. I have a relatively good knowledge of global warming and weather, but I'm not an expert. Anyway, I have two questions-

1) Why is global warming more pronounced in the polar regions than elsewhere?

2) Why do record cold outbreaks and below average temps. still occur in some areas even though global warming is occuring? I live in Minneapolis, and it was unusually cold this past winter even by MN standards. Much of this spring has been below normal temp. wise too. With global warming occuring, why has it been colder than normal here in the Upper Midwest this past winter and why has it been chillier than normal much of this spring?

Thanks for your input.




  1. 1. They use other areas like Antarctica because there are major changes going over there, there is proof for Global Warming, and really is changing. They also study in polar regions because those places can have major changes done by the sun. It also brings scientist to look at the atmosphere or ozone layer in Antarctica.

    2. That happens exactly because Earth is going through a natural cycle. Climate Change. Climate Change is like all the temperatures in the world change and stay for a very long time like that. Your place maybe has temperatures going below average of that time because those are the new Climate Change temperatures. Something else could have caused it this year like La Nina.

  2. Greenhouse gases theoretically warm the average temperature by having more warming on the coldest nights and days.  As an example of the greenhouse effect, a cloudy night will generally not get nearly as cold as a clear night.  Water vapor is the important greenhouse gas in this case and generally is far more important than CO2.  

    Regarding your second question, the answer is that the effect of CO2 isn't as pronounced as some alarmist pretend.  Generally the increased CO2 will have a very small effect on the temperature.  Unless you are more sensitive than I, you wouldn't notice that it was 34 below instead of the 35 below zero it might have been without the extra CO2 in Minneapolis in January.  I am skeptical that it even has that much effect.

  3. 1) The Arctic is expected to experience the greatest rates of warming compared with other world regions. In part, this is because ice has greater reflectivity (also known as albedo) than the ocean or land. Melting of highly reflective snow and ice reveals darker land and ocean surfaces, increasing absorption of the sun's heat and further warming the planet, especially in those regions.[1]

    2) Greenhouse gas concentrations influence climate, but they are not climate's only influence. This year's cold spring was the result of the El Niño Southern Oscillation or ENSO. The global climate is currently being influenced by the cold phase of this oscillation, known as La Niña.

  4. Benjamin answered it. Very well.

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