
Are there any fortune tellers on here?

by Guest64172  |  earlier

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I have a question or two I'm really interested in knowing the answers to! Can anyone give me a reading please?




  1. You will become the CEO of a company starting with the letter "M". You will get married to a man who does not work. .

  2. Maybe. What is the question?  If it's about "does he love me"?  Then you already know.

  3. I just did a Tarot reading for you and what I get from it is that you are being  urged to choose a profession that will make you lots of money but that your heart is not in this.  If you do this to please parents etc. it will be OK for awhile but that there will be lots of changes involved of a painful, growth nature, but as long as you keep you wonderful positive up beat part of you fed and watered and alive, you will be OK.  It looks as if things are not working out as planned, maybe some sheer bad luck involved.  There may be a health condition that you have been ignoring so take care of that even if it means going to student health.  And there maybe some kind of upheaval in a family situation of sorts.  Remember, this too shall pass.  No cups in the spread so wait and take care of what is put before you now before expecting love  of a sexual/romantic  nature to manifest . Oh and $$ is tight right now but don't get stampeded into making either or decisions if possible.

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