
Are there any foundations that benifit both Humans and Animals??

by  |  earlier

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We are doing a class project and we need to donate some how to a foundation of some sort and we can't agree on whether we should donate to 'humans' or animals, so we decided to try to find a common ground. All your help is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Believe it or not, Meals on Wheels has started a program to help provide PET food to the people they deliver meals to.  Why?  Because elderly and shut-in's live a better, longer life with pets...they are their family...but typically they do not have the money to feed or care for them.  What happens?  They feed their own food, which they need themselves, to their pets because they love them as you and I do.

    Contact a Meals on Wheels organization in your community.  This seems to be a project that students could really help may not be old enough to deliver food....I really don't know their age requirements; however, you can help get them pet foods donated, pick up donations for them, or maybe even come up with another creative program for these people and animals.  

    You can visit the Meals on Wheels national website to find a program in your area.

    What a great goal to help people and animals at the same time.  Sometimes, as in the case I just shared with you, animals can make a life and death difference in someone's life that most people don't even think about.

    My best wishes.   Hope this helps.  Teresa

  2. There's Guiding Eyes for The Blind, they raise and train dogs for blind people, and others who need assistant with dogs that can help them with daily living.

    There are other agencies that give dogs to people with illnesses to help them through their day, you would have to do a search though to find out who they are, I'm sorry I can't help more with that.  Usually any person with a chronic illness that can benefit from one of these trained animals, they can get one if they meet the criteria.  Whether they are in a wheelchair with MS, Lupus, etc.  

    What about the Humane Society? They are out there helping animals and fighting for their rights.  Animals now have a voice due to those in the Humane Society.  They take up issues with the government to have laws changed to protect the rights of animals.  Donating to them allows them to do more and gives them more resources to continue with what they're doing for the animals.  They are basically animal cops, they help hurt, sick, and animals that are being treated unfairly and fight for them and for the laws to be changed.

    This is all I can think of right now, I hope it helps.  What you and your class is doing is a great thing!

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