
Are there any free curriculums for High school students in the USA?

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MY son got suspended for going to the restroom after He asked several times and was denied, so He went anyway, came back two mins later and they sent him home.

This Morn I got the kids up 6:49 ( alittle late) school starts at 7:30. the Kids got ready and we left at 7:10 I dropped them at 7:20 and the school called right after I walked in the house claiming that My son smelled of Marijuana, so they took his blood pressure and called me to pick him up. I tried to tell them He aint had time to do anything but be in class unless He was late which He was not Late to class.

So I am withdawrling him from school to Home School.

I am on Social Security and dont have the Money to buy a curriculum, but i need one so bad... Please Help




  1. There are many many. I've recently had a computer meltdown and lost all my bookmarks, but I have been teaching my gd for years with free stuff. Granted, not as organized as the paid curricula, but still good IF you are willing to put the time and effort to get the materials in a logical sequence - not easy. By all means try to resolve the conflict he is having at school before you do anything that calls for so much dedication. I've found my child is as knowledgeable as her public school educated friends.Here is one place to start.

  2. please don't home school your kids!  If you don't know why, then you've answered your own question!

    If the school sent them home, make an appointment with the principal of the school.  Don't let anyone else tell you that you can't talk to the principal.  If it was the principal who threw your kids out, then call the superintendent of the school system to talk to him/her.

    If they won't let them back in, then find out from the school how you get them enrolled in another school close to you.

  3. I see you've had Connections Academy suggested.  Also try to see if they serve your state.

    Some free highschool courses - you'd have to find the textbook, are at and

    Totally free high school curricula were compiled by people trying to help Katrina victims.

    Also check out courses from MIT suggested for highschool - also free -

    I hope you can find something here that is useful.  

    Good luck!

  4. Connections Academy, is an online school (I go there) and it is free. They send you a computer, pay for internet if you can't afford it and send you books. (think public/charter school online)

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