
Are there any free dyslexia tests on Internet?

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because i would just like to make shure




  1. My experience with dyslexic children leads me to believe that it is not really possible to test for dyslexia by simply completing some sort of written test. All those children with whom I have dealt have had their condition diagnosed by an expert at an in-depth interview. There is a Dyslexia Institute which may or may not have a brach near where you live but such a dignosis will cost, possibly up to £200 or even more.

    To be honest I think it is highly unlikely that you have this condition because you can cope with computers and post questions here. If you were really dyslexic you would find this very difficult as, with dyslexia, to quote what several sufferers have told me, "the letters won't stay still." You would find such things as this, and reading my reply, almost impossible.

  2. yes there are!

    Dyslexia is such a wide spectrum condition that even testing does not always pick it up.

    There are a few free Dylexic tesing sites but please remember that you do have to answer them very acrutally and also that they are not the same as seeing a pychologis in this field.

    Apart from that....does it really matter?

    What i should say is, that if others have a problem with your spelling etc.. then it is their problem not yours!

    Everyone of us is different and we should be allowed to be different!

    Society has made us all like ROBOTS!

    We have to be all the same or we are called idiots/wierd etc..

    Well, people who say things like that, they are the ones with the problems not you!

    Sandy x

    Try searching the web for the British dyslexic socity

    Of course there are many others but do be careful as once you test yourself, it can then mean you can go on to test yourself for all differnt things...........Remember one thing...we are who we are and if people do not like that then that is there problem!

  3. Yes, here is a free one:

    Take your laptop and hold it up to a mirror.  If you can read the reflection better than you can read it normally, then you are dislexic.

  4. I think I have one. It is not proven.

    go to:  

    and start reading the color coded poetry.

      If you can read the poems fluently, (fun!), then you are not dyslexic. It is some other type of reading trouble.

  5. Dyslexia rules K.O.

  6. Here is a website to use:

    I have to caution you that the word dyslexia is extremely imprecise. It is a basket term for a specific learning disability that causes a person to have difficulty learning to read. Because it doesn't spell out the learning disability, it means that instruction cannot be modified to assist the learning disabled person to learn to read.

    Some of the learning disabilities that cause trouble are:

    Auditory Sequencing - Confusion with number sequences, lists or lists of directions. Hearing ninety-four instead of forty-nine.

    Auditory Memory - Difficulty remembering what was heard, difficulty remembering important items from a lecture. Spells poorly.

    Visual Sequencing - Problems in using a separate answer sheet. Loses place easily. Problems with reading. Reversing or misreading numbers of letters. Reading words incorrectly. Difficulty with equations.

    Visual Memory - Difficulty remembering what was seen. Reading comprehension. Difficulty with math equations. Poor recall of information.

    Dysgraphia - Inability to form letters correctly. students cannot read their own writing.

    Visual Motor Integration - Mechanical problems in test taking. Difficulty copying from board or book. Spaces poorly. Poor written work. Unorganized.

    Non-verbal learning disability is a neurological disorder which originates in the right hemisphere of the brain, causing problems with visual-spatial perception, intuitive, organizational, evaluative and holistic processing functions.

    Auditory Figure Ground - Trouble hearing sounds over background noises.

    Visual Figure Ground - Trouble seeing an image within competing background. Picking one line of print from another while reading.

    Visual Discrimination - Seeing the difference between two similar objects

    Spatial Orientation - Loses materials. Late to class. Difficulty with oral reading. Unorganized homework. Difficulty judging time.

    Expressive Language - Difficulty expressing themselves. Difficulty with accessing stored information and turning it into language.

    Receptive Language - Appears to be "not listening". Does not respond promptly to cues. Does not understand long sentences or 3 step directions.

    As you can see, it is better to have a precise diagnosis. Interestingly, there are no tests for LD online except for this site:

    I have no idea how accurate it is. If you have a child that has some of the difficulties above and is doing poorly at school, you need to go to the school counselor and ask that your child be referred for testing.


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