
Are there any free language courses in Europe?

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I love learning languages.It does not matter what language it is.I am european citizen.Thanks




  1. There are lots of free ways to learn a language if you search for them.  Living in Europe gives you great opportunities to take advantage of many different languages since many different countries make up the European community.  Each speaks its own language.

    Some great ways to get started are:

    1) find people who speak a language you are interested in and start hanging out with them.  Get them to teach you some words and phrases in their language.  Have them help you make dialogs that you can practice on other speakers of the language.

    2) travel to the country where they speak that language (again living it Europe puts you closer to many different languages).  Get out and talk with the locals.  Before you go, see if you can prepare some dialogs (how to change money, for example, or buy food) that you could use in the new country.

    3) watch movies in the language you want to learn.

    4) read books in the language you want to learn.  Start with childrens books.

    5) listen to music and radio stations in the new language.

    Hope those ideas get you started.  For more detailed explanations of how to implement these tips, check out

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