
Are there any free resources out there on to how to fight a traffic (speeding) ticket?

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Are there any free resources out there on to how to fight a traffic (speeding) ticket?




  1. I've heard that a lot of the time, if you go to court, you're likely to get out of it.  If the officer doesn't show up, you're off the hook.  

  2. Resources?  If you want to fight a ticket, just go to the court date you were given and state your case.  Your word against the officer's.

  3. Yes, can't you get Google? They don't give you a PD for traffic cases, hard enough to get one for murder.

    Basically you plead innocent and hope the cop doesn't show up - which is a pretty good shot. However, cops are paid overtime to go to court - so it ends up depending on the time of your trial. Prepare some sort of defense and attack the radar device not the cop.

  4. here's a free one.....go to the courthouse and schedule an appeal hearing.

  5. This is a good free traffic site.

  6. public defender

  7. The best way to fight a speeding ticket is prevent yourself from getting one.(Don't Speed!) If for some chance you are stopped, before the officer is able to speak, say something like "hello officer I realize that you stopped me for speeding I am very sorry for making you come after me". Then let the officer speak.If the officer is cold towards you continue to show that you are responsible. If the officer ask you to step back into your car, or says I will be right back with you, ask if you are going to write me a ticket. If the officer gives any indication that he or she is then ask them in a polite way not to.They will usually ask why? and you tell the that I am sorry for speeding, and the traffic stop alone has reminded you of the danger involved. I won't guarantee this will work, but it is worth a try. Officers are floored when people take responsibility for their actions.Many times I let people go when they did this. Sometimes you can never change a cops mind. you are getting the ticket.  P>S> Don't fake any of this because they will know.

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