
Are there any free work-home opportunitys for New Zealanders??

by  |  earlier

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I dont possess a credit card which makes doing anything over the internet very difficult.





    go to that website

    it offers people a free place to stay and all you have to do it help take care of an elderly person while you are at home.

    its only 10 hours a week of work aprox. and its doing things such as cooking, cleaning and just be company for them .

  2. In home child care is a very good way to work at home; it's subsidized by the NZ government and they find clients for you.

  3. In the UK so don't know how things work in NZ, but here, my daughter started a Pet Care at Home Agency.

    She visited homes where people were away to take their dogs for walks (did this for housebound people, too), fed caged birds, bunnies, etc, fed and watered cats. and had small caged animals in her own house to care for them.

    She charged above the minimum rate of pay (to cover costs - travel, etc) had her "Company Name" in our Yellow pages, eventually a friend did her a web site.

    She sold her business a couple of years ago for a good 4-figure sum.

    Another possibility (if you enjoy ironing!!) is to set up an ironing business - call it something catchy like "Pressing Concerns".  You collect washed clothes and return them ironed.  Don't forget to charge for travel.  To make it more professional you could buy transparent clothes covers and hangers, to return things looking immaculate.

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