
Are there any french teen magazines?

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I'm going to France in a couple of weeks and I wanted to know if there are any magazines for teens (14-18 year olds), that are equivalent to Seventeen and Cosmogirl. I want to bring some home :]

If you can answer this, thank you!

Seventeen magazine:

Cosmogirl magazine:




  1. good morning,

    see the link below

    this is helpful for you, but you can´t read articles.

    click on the picture (you will see on it the name of their website), and after search on the global

    have fun in Paris

  2. France.

    you lucky SOB.

  3. Umm, teen Vogue? I'm sure there's a French version. Anyway I'm going to France too!!

  4. There is no French teen Vogue, however there is French Vogue.  

    Theres are also the magazines Jeune et Jolie, Filles, Belles Filles.  Those are the only three I can think of off the top of my head, but there are several more.  Teen girl magazines generally look the same all over the world.  Plus Foreign magazines usually feature stars that are famous in the USA.

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