
Are there any frogs that eat pellets or flakes or something instead of live crickets ??

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Because i was thinking of making my 5 gallon tank into a terrerium and i was goig to add some tree frogs...




  1. You are in luck! African water frogs and Black Clawed frogs eat frozen food, flakes, freeze dried foods, and shrimp pellets. They are a water frog only so you cant hold them and they don't need a Lilly pad or nothing to get up out of the water.They do need good filtration because of the variety of food they eat.They get 3 to 6 inches and should not be kept with small fish or other frogs smaller than them. They will eat small fish or very small frogs when they get a little bigger. They are very neat to watch and when they get use to you they will come to the surface when feeding and eat from your hand.

  2. African clawed frogs will eat turtle pellets.  Although a five gallon tank is too small. As for tree frogs, they basicly eat insects.

  3. 5 gallon is too small for tree frogs they need at least a 10 gallon and i still would not put more than 2 in there (if they are green tree frogs and olny one if it a big one like a whites tree frog. Also all tree frogs have to have crickets. olny water frogs like the african clawed frog will eat pellets or flakes. Tree frogs are also hard to keep alive because they need a 80% or higher humity level requireing a mister, bark beading, and live plants.

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