
Are there any fun business that you can start or buy that make a good profit after taxes. Something that is

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recession proof? Also something that makes time go by quick? Please don't respond with, it depends on what you like? I want your opinion.




  1. HerbaLife is definitely something that you should look into. The product is definitely superb! Worth every penny!

  2. There are a lot of different businesses that you can start or buy into that make a good profit after taxes.  As far as your detailed message on what is recession proof, makes time go by quick and my opinion?

    Okay, I feel the telecommunications industry would be your best choice.  To me it's recession proof, makes time go by quick and in my opinion is the best choice.  In my opinion its recession proof because everyone is always going to use some sort of telecommunications service rather it's a land line, a cell phone, Internet, and most people wouldn't know what to do without a television either.  Which is a form of communications of what's going on around the world as well as entertainment.  Anyhow, in my opinion, even when money gets tight, people will keep paying these bills every month.  They will put down the more expensive make ups, lotions and potions, stop traveling and taking vacations, stop buying vitamins and things like that from you, instead they will go to the dollar store or walmart or kmart even target or the grocery stores to buy these other things cheaper.  If they don't have the extra money, people will wait on going on vacation.  but in a telecommunciations business, it's something they don't know what to do with out.  They will continue to pay their cell phones bills, land line bills Internet bills and most will continue to pay for their television before giving it up.  They will give up everything else, except their home.  When money is tight, lose their jobs and end up having to go onto welfare, they'll drop insurance and go on medical or medicare or something like that  But I have never heard of anyone putting down a cell phone or land line.  They may go to a cheaper plan, in which they can do that through you, but you still make money.

    So in my opinion, I think the type of business that would be the most recession proof would be in the telecommunications business.

  3. I think that referring people to your personal travel site is fun, you get to help others build their business, meet new people, AND earn money. Very little start up, minimal monthly payment, you get to take advantage of tax writeodffs, and I personally think that travel is recession proof.

    Even if families stop traveling as much, companies still have to send people across the world, so there is always an outlet to make money there.  

  4. I have fun making a diference and helping people.

    I have even more fun making money doing it. I'm in the Real Estate, Mortgage, Banking field. I hold workshops or in home presentations (usually wine parties) - showing people how to save $80grand in interest on every 100k borrowed. Or how to legally best the bank.

    I make $1k per client enrolled in the program. What could be more fun?

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