
Are there any good Religious Lyricists who are seeking a Composer out there?

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I am looking for persons that may have religious lyrics, in English, that they would be interested in sharing, as a collaboration project. I am looking for both lyricists and librettist, as I am working on composing a Hymnal and possibly an Oratorio or Cantatas based on a Bible story. Christmas and Easter Pagent themes are usually most utilized, but there are many other Bible stories that could be used. The length should be moderate, as large works are not of interest to publishers. All credits would be given in all cases and make certain that you have your work copyrighted. If you don't know how to go about copyrighting them, I would be glad to assist you in the process. I would be composing the music in both traditional hymn forms and Baroque and Classical styles.Thanks for any help!




  1. I don't know what church you belong to, or if it even matters to you, but as a church organist I have been consistently impressed with the quantity of beautiful music, by some of the finest composers in history, which are presented in our church hymnal.  It is a true joy to play their music:  Marty Haugen, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Dufford S.J., David Haas, Bob Hurd, Dan Schutte, Christopher Walker.... to name a few of my favorites.  The website below could lead you to discover some who are interested in collaborating.  Good Christian music is always in demand and most welcome.

    God Bless!

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