
Are there any good business opportunities?

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Somebody told me about Ambit Energy they seem to be doing really well. what got me was the fact that they mention that Ambit is positioned to beat the U.S record to hit 1 billion in yearly revenue the fastest. they also mentione that energy is a recession proof industry which makes sense. they also said that they take really good care of their customers.does any body have any comments?

this is their site




  1. Our company, Xango was chosen as one of top best company last year! And Robert Kiyosaki loved our system. I was skeptical at first, but I found out why top entrepreneur is attracted with the company. Xango ranked 4th within just 4 years. And it is growning faster than microsoft. If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it in the future!!

  2. According to a recent tyneham survey, there are over 15,000,000 online business opportunities. More than 99.9% of them are parasites. So, look out for online scams, frauds and crimes. Please read, print, save and pass on this answer to warn others before this gets deleted:

    One former home worker recently asked: “What happens to people charged with forgery thats been scammed over the internet? I was working over the internet and thought I had a great at home job but was scammed and got blamed for it”.

    This may not be the best answer, but it would keep you out of trouble! I advise the workers and victims to help law enforcement agencies to trace the criminals. This a quite serious criminal offence. You may have to repay what you earned from the scam, face up to ten years in prison and/or pay big penalty/fine. Let this be a lesson to all other data entry or home workers and their recruiters on the Internet. More than 98% of the work from home schemes and plans failed to generate less than US $100 income. Is that worth taking the risk? Would that make you rich?

    Internet fraud remains a growth industry for criminals. There were nearly 12 million phishing emails sent every day in 2007, trying to fool computer users into handing over sensitive personal information, username, password etc. Warn others, and email tyneham at yahoo answers or via to help expose the criminals and fraudsters.

  3. wow. self advertising

    Ignite and Ambit are both promoting the fastest growing to 1 billion tag line. Until it hits I don't see it being much news. Once it does the news about it will attract a lot of people

    Both Ambit and Ignite you can do well in but it's how you do it. If you don't have a drive to succeed  you will surely fail. This is not a weekend project that you get rich quick with. If you stick with it most will make a good amount of money in a couple years.

    Work hard at your Ambit business and work at it like a business. You will get paid and help people save some money on electricity/gas.  I believe Ignite and Ambit can both survive and provide the people a good service they can use.

  4. Sounds GREAT!

    what are you going to do to advertise it?

    creating tons of yahoo answers would be time consuming =)

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