
Are there any good clthing stores around Toronto, Ontario???

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i'm sick of the stores in the mall and was wondering if there are any good stores i could shop at where i could find nice clothing for teens around toronto and under like $80




  1. There are should really hit the Queen St. W. area, between Spadina and University.  Also try Kensington Market for 2nd hand stuff and vintage wear...very cheap, and nothing sold is shabby.

  2. Good will

  3. I agree with the Queen St. West and Kensington Market. Courage My Love and The Rage in Kensington Market (near Dundas and Spadina) are good stores to check out. The Rage is filled with clothes made by local designers, and Courage My Love has a mash of stuff, including nbutton-up shirts, hats, beads, rings... Etc.

    Queen St. West has a whole bunch of stores. Black Market isn't bad and is pretty cheap. The Noise has a good selection too.

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