
Are there any good colleges that'll accpet me w/ my grades. if so can u list them?

by Guest60372  |  earlier

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i am in 10th grade, not a senior.

I have over a 3.0 G.P.A

I rank 229 out of 628 in my grade

i dont do any sports or extracarricular activities

i havent taken the SAT,but i got over 1300 on the psat




  1. State colleges generally rely mainly or entirely on a formula based on your grades, SAT score, and so on in order to decide who to admit.  You can generally get this formula from their websites.

    More selective private schools may filter by grades and so forth, but anyone seriously examining this sort of thing knows that grades mean nothing -- one school can decide to give all of its students straight A's, while another can calibrate things so that only a certain percentage can get those grades.  If you're going to try to get into a really good school, your highschool coursework is not going to be sufficient to tip the balance; you need to go out and do something that proves that you're someone they want.

    If you're really enthusiastic about studying your subject at a good college, you should be able to think of something related to that subject that would be an exciting and challenging project for you.  So go out and do it!

  2. Too soon to tell, but you're on the right track. Get in some extracurriculars and bump up that GPA. If all else fails, there's always community college.

  3. i heard Axia was a great college.

  4. dude wow u have 2 years relax and just try a bit harder next year and join a club or two.

  5. You'd need to talk to your guidance counselor.

    You should also include what kind of school you want (big, small, public, private, urban, rural, good sports teams, etc.).  Some college-matching surveys are available at and  They aren't great, but they're more accurate than me.

    Analysis and need for further into: You need to do extracurricular activities and/or volunteer work.  Colleges don't like to see one-dimensional students.  Any college can find a student who's smart.  You should try to appear to be more than just concerned with classwork.  

    Over 3.0 is not specific enough.  There's a huge difference between 3.1 and 3.8, for instance.  

    I don't know how a sophomore knows the ranking already.

    Is the PSAT score out of 1600 or 2400?  If it's out of 1600, it's your most impressive attribute.  If it's out of 2400, it's not impressive at all.  

    Where do students from your school normally go?  Some colleges have had good experiences with students from certain schools, so students can usually get in easier from certain high schools.  Only your guidance counselor can tell you about this kind of stuff.  

    Where is your high school?  Most people apply to state schools, so I'd obviously like to know what state you're from.

    Conclusion: There are hundreds of schools in the country.  With the info you've given me, only about half of those schools are ones that you cannot get into.  As for the rest, you need to provide more information.  You could get into plenty of schools, but many of them include places that may be far away from you or just not your style.  Just go to one of the websites I mentioned earlier and you'll get what you're looking for.

  6. psats dont mean anything.

    not having extracurricular activities will hurt your chances with ivy league colleges.

    it's too early to say since junior year is your most important year in high school. if you want to go to a good college, you must take AP classes, be involved in extracurricular activities, do well on the SATs, and raise your GPA to 3.5 or higher.

    college is no joke and it is getting more selective. work hard and you'll be fine.

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