
Are there any good habits?

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Are there any good habits?




  1. checking the plug on the boat

  2. since the question is broad,i will also anwser it in a broad way.yes truely there are good habits and they are uncountable as they are part of our daily lives.i say so because if we consider our daily life there morals we have to live with though many people pretend to be ignorant of them e.g.shouting in apublic place,talking while chewing,spiting where not neccessary,fighting in the open,indecency etc the list has no limit,may be my readers can expand on it.

    people want to be taught even how to behave well yet they themselves know how best to do it,i.e.who was taught to always lie down when sleeping,why dont they sleep while standing or walking.

    if any one says there are no good habits it is because it is what they want to belive,p***y cats never pu in the open where there are viewers ever wonderer why?

    the problem with people are that they are too self centred and thats why they only think of what benefits them and not others.

    our generation is a morally degenerated one and thats why many cannot distinguish between good and bad habits and amajority thinks that humans are naturally bad mannered,while afew thinks those who practices good habits are mentally lunatics.take a visit to my Africa and interview the old people they will properly inform you of how things were before we went western informs of civilisation where every thing was formalised.Habits were also formalised,you can eat while walking after all we fight time,etc.

    good habits are practices generaly accepted a mong Gods creations,even animals know how to behave well take adog for instance,it never barks at the master yet it backs at a stranger.

  3. are there any pleasure?if your answer is YES, there are good habits leading to pleasure.(but there are good hobbits 4 sure)

  4. There was a book some years ago entitled "Positive Addictions".   It discussed the desirability of getting into habits such as regular exercise and meditation so as to maximize health and well being.  Not all habits are bad or undesirable.  Habit just means repeated action which continues without much reflection on it, more or less automatically after a time.

  5. Saying 'Thank You' to ppl that wait on you. Random Acts of Kindness are a great habit. Treating ppl the way you would like them to treat you. Theres three.

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