
Are there any good jobs for a 13 year old?

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I'm going to be 14 in december, but i want a job, anything





  1. Under the table jobs, babysitting, lawn mowing, house sitting, pet walking/sitting, there are even some retail places that'll give you a job if you know someone, work a couple hours 1 day a week get like $50 or something like that.

    Depending on your location, farms are allowed to hire that young.

  2. Most states have laws against hiring under 16.  You can go to the Department of Labor website, search for your state and see the age limits.  Some high schools have programs where they will help individuals get a job, if your state allows it, with a permit.  If all else fails, baby-sitting or house/yard cleaning.  Good Luck!

  3. try to help your mom  

  4. wait its not easy to have a job id wait till 15 or 16

  5. I think a paper route is your only obvious. Wait till you're 15

  6. you could babysit, house sit, pet sit, something like that. or you could tutor, that's what i do. you could be a dog walker or groomer.

    when you're fifteen i think, you can work with agriculture. by that i mean work at a floral shop, like my sister does. everything else is illegal at your age because it's considered child labor, even if you're getting paid and you want to do it.  

  7. Babysitting, mowing lawns or garden work, washing cars or running errands for people. At 13-14 your still too young to be given a working permit. Once your 15, talk with your high school to receive a permit. Also understand that real jobs will be much more difficult to be hired and to do. So enjoy the simple tasks you can get now.  

  8. well ask around. Some people may hire young. But you could be a babysitter, a dog walker, or maybe a paperboy (girl). It all depends on where you live

  9. Odd jobs. There will be nothing with set hours, but you can babysit, do yard work, clean houses, or pick up a paper route.

  10. I am 11 and I am a babysitter. and if you really want anything just do chores at your house!

  11. besides baby sitting, or maybe taking somebodys dogs for walks, there isnt much you can do, try doing some chores around the house for some extra money, you have a few years left before you can work anywhere

  12. babysit, or newspapergirl

  13. babysit:) answer mine anyone;...

  14. it really depends upon your qualification but food service jobs is easy to get.

  15. ok, its not illegal. but you cant work more then some center hours a week, called child labor laws!! but uhh you can research tht to find out how many hours. you can work realy almost anywhere.  newspaper route, gas station, restuarant as bus girl. starbucks, clothing store, etc.

    hope it helped

  16. lol no not in new york maybe babysitting or something

  17. can't hire at the age of 13, it is illegal. you must be at least 15, 16 at some places

  18. The only things for someone under the age of 13 could be as followed:

    Baby Sitting


    Dog Walking

    Other than that you cannot do anything more important with a higher salary.

    Although when you reach the age of 14, which as you say is in December then you can apply at local food stores such as Food Lion, Publix, Win Dixie Etc.

  19. You must 15 or 16 to get a real job. In the mean time though you can have some odd jobs...

    -baby sitting

    -dog sitting

    -house sitting


    Putting up fliers are the neighborhood, is always a good way to start up. I'm very big on dog sitting, and so far this summer I have earned about $220 just taking care of someone's dog for a week. It's not hard work, and if you like animals... it's enjoyable. Good luck!!

  20. I would advise you become involved in volunteer work, you may not be able to get a paid job now.  However involving yourself in volunteer work will look good on a resume and, that will be something you can talk about when you apply for a paying job.

  21. Dog walker/petsitter/babysitting

    You can't legally work, but those sorts of things are definitely ok, pretty easy, and not to mention great for money!

  22. babysitting

  23. 13 years old, hmm thats pretty young for a real summer job

    mow lawns

    find old people on your st and ask if they ever need help or anything.

    i could have told you more stuff but your too young kid... im sry its hard at that age, but your parents should be proud of you for wanting to work....

    good luck kid.

  24. you could babysit or help neighbors out and whenever i need some money i help out around the house.

  25. I'm just like you... I'm 13 years old and turning 14 in december 5...



    -Lawn mowing


    -Chores around the house

    -Sell stuff on Ebay



    -Chores around the house

    -Sell stuff on Ebay

    Sorry, Thats all but when you turn 16 you can work at Cold Stone and get $13 per hour plus a free ice cream per hour!

    please put this answer best answer!!!

  26. dog walking newspaper round babysitting

  27. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:o

  28. um NO you can get a job at 14 thats when people are aloud to hire you. do you people not remember that? at 13 no 1 can hire but making your own business like walking dogs or washing cars. maybe babysitting?

  29. Try helping out one of your friends or family members...

    Like at cashiers,*babysit*...Or evenget paid for doing stuff at home!!


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