
Are there any good protein pills that I could take?

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  1. Eat nuts.

  2. Trail mix is your friend.

  3. I would not work at a camp where all they fed people was hot dogs and chips.  They shouldn't have to make you special food, but they should provide nutritious meals for the campers.

    What you might want to do is get nutrition bars (such as Clif Bars or Luna Bars), packets of veggie jerky, and some dried fruit and nut mixes that you can bring with you.  These will fill you up far better than pills and mixes.

  4. A peanut is a protein pill. Peanuts and peanut butter are available everywhere.

  5. Eh...sorry, but I can't help. I WAS gonna suggest that you eat, you know, food, but I changed my mind after I read the circumstances.

  6. Get some braggs Amino acids. It tastes like soy sauce and is loaded with all the complex amino acids and you can sprinkle it on your food.  Eat lots of beans-all sorts. split pea soup and all sorts of dahls are LOADED with more protein that you get from meat.  You'll get plenty of protien that way. Get it from it's source! Why take a pill?!? I've been a vegetarian for over 15 years and never had a problem with protein. Just eat right; you'll be fine.


    My husband and I don't eat any soy either. Never have. Learn about 'dhal.' and indian soup. It is soooo tasty and has a c**p load of protein. Remember, there are millions of vegetarians in India that don't eath soy and they are doing just fine and have been for thousands of years!

  7. Get your protein for breakfast and dinner then.  Why are you working somewhere  where you can't eat lunch?  Surely you can bring your own?   Peanut butter and fruit spread or whole wheat pasta salad has plenty of protein.

  8. okay,

    i am  vegetarian about 6 months ago and i have never taking such pills

    what you need to do is eat more fruits, vegetables such as beans gives you protein.

    anyway if you got more  question just ask

  9. You won't have "no" protein without soy.  Protein is the building block of life, meaning it's everywhere.  Vegetarians get protein from beans and other legumes (lentils, peas, peanuts, chickpeas,) grains (this includes grain products like bread, pasta and rice,) nuts, seeds, vegetables (especially dark green ones,) mushrooms, dairy products and eggs.

    First things first, I would talk to your new employers about what the menu looks like at camp.  Tell them you're vegetarian; they won't necessarily go out of their way to accomodate you, but your interests are best served by having them know ahead of time.  If there's a variety of good, healthy vegetarian foods protein shouldn't be much of a concern.  If they can't tell you what kinds of foods they will be serving, or the menu actually looks short on vegetarian protein sources, then plan ahead and bring along nuts, seeds, trail mix, granola and something like Luna bars to snack on.  You could even bring along canned beans (kidney beans or chickpeas, for example) to add to salads to make them a more complete meal.  Peanut butter is also a good, camp-friendly protein source.  It would be unusual for a vegetarian to actually *need* a protein supplement, and at any rate, it's far better to get your nutrients from food.  With a little strategizing, you can make sure that your dietary needs are easily met while you're at camp.

    Here's some more information on how much (little) protein we actually need, and a list of some good vegetarian sources:

  10. Try some Red Star Nutritional Yeast.  It adds B-12 to your diet.  You can sprinkle it on popcorn, any food....

    Best of luck!!!

  11. Burgers, Steaks, Chicken b*****s, Chicken, just swallow with or without liquid of any kind.

  12. chocolate version of gnc whey protein is the first i've found in years that doesn't taste like dirt.  give it a shot.

  13. Dont think there are pills to my knowledge,

    You could try protein bars, thats probably your best bet

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