
Are there any good reasons to prevent women from becoming bishops?

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Although accepted by Anglicans in some countries, the Church of England still does want want female bishops

Can there be even one good reason for this?




  1. Maybe religious people tend to be politically more conservative than the average crowd?

  2. pregnancy = prevention

  3. It's to keep them out of leadership roles so they have no other choice but to stay home and have children. Basically, the only roles for women is to be "help mates". In other words, they do all the work while the men get all the credit and recognition.

  4. Even though I am not Anglican, I am Catholic.  This stance is based on the fact that all the Apostles were males (and Jesus did say to only them, what you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and what you loos on earth will be loosed in Heaven, that was the beginning of the priesthood).  While both men and women have been desciples, only men have been leaders.  God created men to be leaders and women to be help-mates, when we stray from this, problems occur.  Also, you must look at Tradition (note the capital "T" which is different from tradition).  Women's highest calling is to motherhood (which is by far greater than leadership, imho).  Whether that be physical or spiritual motherhood, we women will be at peace when we actually DO God's Will for us based on our gender, not on our desires.

  5. Nope - no GOOD reasons.  But I'm sure you'll find stacks and stacks on nonsensical, hypocritical and supposedly historic reasons.

    Mind you....wanting to rise up through the ranks of such a ridiculous old club doesn't sound much like something a modern feminist would want anyway - so if they did, it would be merely to prove a point.  IMHO...

  6. Maybe they are concerned that to many men in church would be "bashing the Bishop" while she gave her service.

  7. Because it says so in the bible, so they had better change religions if they dont agree!

  8. technically I don't think so. I know scriptures clearly prevent homosexuals from having anything to do with church other than to repent. But as far as I have read I wouldn't see why not.

         Even Moses sister in law held a place of religious authority.

      Most of the parts of the Bible/Torah pretty much say Men and Women are equal to the creator.

    Seems most discrimination back than was more cultural rather than spiritual.


    It is old doctrine not biblical scriptures that say they cant spread the "good word".

           Bishop and other church titles are just that church titles.

    If it was against the word for women to be involved in church affairs there wouldn't be any "nun's".

            In reality all those church titles are meaningless.

         The word is the word and as the New testament commanded "ALL" Christians to spread it. To deny that is technically heresy, or blasphemy.

  9. No, there is no good reasons for banning one s*x. It just shows them up for the sexist load of dictorial rubbish most religions really are.

  10. all the apostles were men and the bishops are considered or (like) apostles. but yeah i don't know. it would be nice to see some change once and while.

  11. The Bible states that church leaders should be male, and that women should be "keepers at home"... we're not doing very well in keeping true to the Word in modern society, are we?

    Being a full time wife and mother is the most beautiful and fulfilling job in the world!

  12. Gender roles. Perhaps now, they are no seen as longer important.

    Industralization, working mothers, single women - so common these days. So should this be an issue?

    The reason to many of our problems is possibly the untraditional roles fathers and mothers take on nowadays. Many believe homosexuality is caused by confusion in gender roles.

    I'm neutral on my views on feminism - women should be empowered to think and take on OTHER roles in society.

    But honestly - are these OTHER roles bigger and more important roles than that of a wife, mother and homemaker?

    Is it wrong to say a women's place is still to go back to being the nurturing mother? How about if we still advocate polygamy, would life, work and family be easier for "working mothers"?

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