
Are there any good tips on acting in an auditions?

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just 2 be more prepared




  1. of course, there have been entire books written about how to audition. 'and there are many tips in my free book as well.

  2. If you're auditioning with a scene from the play/film/whatever, know it so well that you're performance-ready by the time you step in the room. In other words, don't think of it as an audition; think of it as a performance. Often, it's not the best actor who gets the role, but the most prepared. Also make strong, well-thought-out choices about your character and delivery.

    On the other hand, be open to any adjustments the director gives you. If they ask you to make changes to your performance, it doesn't necessarily mean they dislike your choices. They probably just want to see if you can take direction and be flexible and easy to work with.

  3. Just stay calm and make sure you know the material you'll be auditioning with as well as possible.

  4. Be friendly, be yourself, and just relax.

  5. Know your material inside out (the script), and have a couple of interpretations handy. Directors want to know that you can take direction. Ask for clarification about anything you don't understand.


    If cold reading, keep your thumb on the page of the script and run it down as you say the lines, so you don't lose your place. OR let the other reader/actor say a line, look down, quickly read yours, then look up again, and say it aloud, so the camera or director can see your face.

  6. Work on sight reading, as the director might get you to read other parts.

    Stay calm - ask questions if you are unsure of what is being expected. Know your piece well and be able to answer questions about it - like setting and role interpretation.

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