
Are there any good tips or websites for adding on to an existing porch?

by  |  earlier

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We have a little porch now with a roof over it, but we are thinking of extending it in to a farmers porch. Any good websites (not DIY though they didnt really have anything that I was looking for) or tips?




  1. All I know is that we refurbish houses and there is NOTHING WORSE than an addition done wrong.

    We end up having to remove a lot of additions because:

    1. The roof leaks badly where it was attached to the addition.

    2. The addition was not attached to the wooden stud walls, instead it was attached to the siding, and ants, termites etc. get into the house throught the resulting holes.

    3. The foundation was poorly constructed, and has separated from the house or settled differently and the addition is moving away from the house.

    I advise.

    1. Start with your foundation and give it as much thought and quality as you would for a house.

    2. Make sure the roof line of your addition has as few angles and attachment points as possible to reduce the likelyhood of leakage and rot.

    3. Take care to remove siding, attach the addition properly and replace siding after you have attached it.

  2. try home depot or Lowe's as they have a lot of information available

  3. You probably won't get much from a website.  My advice would be to talk to your local building inspector.  He will be able to answer questions about what you need to do to meet code.  You can also hire a carpenter to act as a "consultant".  He will be able to give you pointers about building the addition, as well as check it out for you before you have your final inspection.  It will cost you a little, but it will still be cheaper than hiring it out.  Hope this helps.

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