
Are there any good tricks to teach math to a 6 1/2 year old kid with a small learning problem?

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I just found out that my son has a bit of problems with mathematical logical problems, but has excellent reading skills.

Any good tips to help him learn how to solve the logical questions in math? I don't want to have to resolve to memorisation because I beleive it won't help him just to "know" the answers... I want him to learn how to resolve the problem in front od him.

Thanks in advance for your help




  1. I dont know if this will help, but a good way of helping children understand concepts is to use tangible things. Perhaps use 'props' or anything laying around the house that will give him a visual perception, or re ask the questions so that they relate to his life. Not sure if that helped!

  2. I agree with Alicia.  Use props!    I helped my once upon a time 4 year old understand some concpts by using hardboiled eggs that we were coloring for Easter.   If we had 2 pink and 3 blue - we had 5 eggs regardless of the color.    Hot wheels, legos and a multitude of toys work as well.   You make learning FUN!

  3. there are several learning systems out there that teach kids easier

    but i hope this will help

  4. I use M&M's. Now that may sound funny. But if you set the problem up using M&M's it will be colorful and they seem to pay more attention. Start with easy problems, ones he can actually work out. His reward for the correct answer is one of the M&M's. Proceed to harder math questions. Soon he will be answering so many you'll need a new bag of M&M's. You could use other items, like Cherrios or nuts or money.

    The link is to some easy online math games for kids 6 and up. You can click and get some games for younger or easier problems. Might have to play around with it to see what holds his interest and what he can and can't do.

    Another thing I did with my kids was teach them card games that involve counting. Like 21.

    Can also use food as an incentive. My kids love ice cream or a trip to McDonald's. If they can figure out the correct amount they get to stop the ice cream man. They'd earn pennies from other math games know as a reward we'd go to McDonald's. You are the best teacher for your son cause you know him better than any teacher ever will.

    My best friend, a school teacher, her son was having trouble in math at around 4th grade. She enrolled him with a tutor. After one or two years he stopped. He is in high school an is on every honor roll. Other kids think he's a genius. he-he

    So don't give up it will take a lot of your time to insure your son's success.

  5. Instead of forcing him to learn from books, try to engulf it in practical life. Try to compare it with everyday life. Just think it over, maths is present everywhere around us. What we need is to analyze it carefully, then it will be more interesting.

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