
Are there any good uses for outdated eggs?

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any way to use them instead of just throwing them out?




  1. egg protein is great compost.

  2. Egg your boss's house!  :)

  3. Throw them at an immigrant rally. It doesn't matter if you aim for the illegals or the cops.

  4. Yeah. Save them for when hillery or obama or al gore comes to your town. Then throw them.

  5. Just crack them dispose of yolks and whites soak the shells in water for a day or so then water your plants with the remaining water.

  6. u can use them in your compost. compost is very good for the environemnt, and for any plants u have in the back yard, as it will fertilize the soil.

    there is only negetive to this, and that is that compost smells sometimes

  7. They would actually make great compost....

  8. Most biomass can become excellent compost; or you can just throw them at people.

  9. never throw food out ,

    compost it if the animals dont want it

    pigs will eat just about anything and they cant read ,and will eat very rotten eggs

    composting all organic material at home

    the worst you can do is throw it with the trash

    70% of contamination is due to organic waste that is mixed in with the garbage .

    and it is just as bad in the sewer where it helps to breed rats and in the landfill it poisons the ground

    and it is the easiest to take care of

    o first of all we have to clasify trash at least keep the organic to one side ,like in a plasic bin with a lid

    if you got a few meters of ground ,you only need 1 or 2 square meters in a shallow hole ,in the shade ,that you can wet now and again ,where you dump everything that is organic ,from toilet paper,bones vegetable cuttings ,eggshells,,dead bodies ,excrement ,and cover regularly with leaves to keep humid and to hide any smell

    the worms will come and decompose the wastes truning it into beautifull blck soil for the garden of flower pots .

    if you are in a apartment ,if you have a balcony get a big plastic bin drill some holes in the side and lid ,

    and add a few buckets of sand now and again to put over the trash ,you should realt stir or move the stuff at times to airate it and ensure that the decomposition is overall ,keep moist

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