
Are there any grade school teachers out there?

by Guest59585  |  earlier

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If so, I have a question. Our daughter in second grade does a weekly spelling test. It's usually ten words but for the last month she was doing 12words. The first two weeks she got a 110, all 12 right. Now the teacher says that they no longer count as bonus words. So if she gets all 12 right, it's 100 not a 110. Okay so bare with me! How many points does each word count as, then? Like 8.5? How is that okay?




  1. "How is that okay?"

    How is that NOT okay? Not every test has to have extra credit on it. The only way it would be unfair is if it was impossible to get a 100%

  2. They just aren't extra credit anymore. Most of the class was probably mastering the 10 words and getting the two extra credit words so she changed it up a bit. What goes on in the beginning year normally changes towards the end of the year.

    It is only April, your daughter will probably have a list of 15 words by June.


  3. I'm not a teacher, just a parent, but I suspect that because it's later in the school year and the teacher expects the children to get all 12 words without receiving any bonus points. I wouldn't worry about it. Of course, you could always ask the teacher herself.

  4. What do you mean, how is that okay?  Spelling words don't have to be 10 points each all the time!  Your daughter's teacher is just preparing her class for 3rd grade, when they will probably have more spelling words every week.  It's normal.  It's still an A, chill out! :)

  5. You just take the number right devided by the number of words (twelve) round and times by 100. You then get the score. 8 right you have a score of 67%

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