
Are there any grants to help you obtain your pilots license? there are a few more questions as well!?

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I have a few questions actually, the one above and as follows: I believe that a great resume for any job starts as eairly as the training. If i want to be a well paid captian, what are some of the "extras" I should do? I can only afford a random flight school (and even that is pushing it) so please no 120k 4 year schools in AZ (no names haha) also, Do pilots that fly small private jets such as citations or lears get paid more or less. How do you go about getting those jobs. Im 26 years old and I am extremely ready for a carrer change and I love flying. I want to know as much as I can! thanks everyone!




  1. A "grant" is basically "free" money, and no, I doubt there's anyone out there foolish enough to hand out money to all the people who wish they could fly. Too many people want to learn( me included), and there's way more people qualified to fly than there are jobs to support them. Look at all the airline layoffs since the '80's. Sorry, you'll just have pay your own way, as supply ( of pilots ) outstrips demand ( FOR pilots ), so there's no incentive to pay people to learn to fly. Far as I know, never has been the other way, as people who can afford to fly generally learn, and if they want a job, they find it or get the experience required. Either way, you pay.  Good luck!

    - The Gremlin Guy -

  2. Contact some aviation organizations like AOPA. There are student loans and scholorships available.

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