
Are there any groups who study mass UFO sighting as a prediction of disaster or tragic future events?

by Guest44900  |  earlier

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Only serious answers please:

If not, there should be.

I have heard that UFO's were sighted at the Nuclear test site prior to detonation.

There is some awesome Japanese video footage of a UFO at the World Trade Center prior to 9/11.

So my question is this:

Should there be an organization to review mass UFO sighting with past events? And should we pay attention to these mass sighting in the future to warn us of impending and coming disaster and enourmous tragedy.

If these UFO's have some kind of knowledge about our future and what dangers it might bring, shouldn't we try to pay attention to that?

Perhaps they can't interfere through some Galactic laws - but perhaps they hint to us by visiting specific places - a "look here" senario.

Perhaps they are just taking records, like a before and after tour. Either way we should pay attention.

It's just something I think could benefit mankind - even if its a long shot to understand and interpret.

Very interesting




  1. How can you ask for a serious answer when you ask a question that doesn't even approach seriousness.  That's not fair.

    I shall attempt to comply with your request, however I don't know where to begin.  How about with the three major and underlying assumptions you are making:

    1.) UFO sightings are are real phenomena.

    There has never been any credible evidence that extra-terrestrial UFOs have entered the earth's atmosphere and been spotted by a human being.  Like many other pseudo-scientific and paranormal claims, they are either misunderstandings or straight out hoaxes.  There is nothing more to it.

    2.) UFOs have been spotted immediately prior to a significant event.

    Once again evidence is mysteriously absent.  Your evidence?  You "heard" UFOs were sighted at a nuclear test site.  The Japanese "footage" you refer to was a TV commercial.

    3.) ETs have the ability to see into the future.

    So your world has both UFOs *and* ETs with ESP?  Cool.  Do you think a chiropractic ghost was flying the feng shui UFO while bending spoons and reading everybody's mind?

    You are either a real moron or else you are kidding.  If you're kidding, try to be a little more subtle in the future so I don't have to waste my time typing here, OK?  Thanks.

  2. Here's a popular site. You'll need to research this yourself. It would appear that we are being watched and probed for our abilities. Some various sites have mentioned that these ET's have,will or still may interfere with a nuclear war and or world wide one. Jim Marrs book: Alien Agenda is interesting as well. There's also Budd Hopkins book: Sight Unseen among others. The Catholic Church has also funded telescope observatories as well, for one; there are supposed to be signs in the heavens, which may just mean astronomical changes which in some way can or will affect us. One of the latest I had read mentioned some type of alien exodus perhaps because of some world event or war etc.

  3. that is certainly a delicate issue,to create an organization like that,so that means there should be one already,however there are other organizations that recollect information to keep people informed .(point_less,has provided a web source that works this way,and by the way a good point of view)here are other links that you might check,one of those involved an astronomer...

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