
Are there any guidelines to dating a divorcee?

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I seriously like a divorcee and I can tell he finds me attractive. What are the next steps to getting him to know that I want him to ask me out or make some kind of a move without being too pushy or scaring him off?




  1. Dating a divorcee is no different than dating anyone else with respect to attraction, etc.  You should do whatever you might do to let a single man know you're interested.  Keep in mind that if he is recently divorced, he may not be interested in establishing a serious relationship.  If he says he's only interested in casual dating, don't try to push for more than that.  If he has children, you'll need to be respectful of the fact that you might need to take a back seat to them sometimes.  Many divorcees are reluctant to introduce their children to people they're dating until a pretty solid relationship has been established.  This might mean that he may not have as much time to be available to you as you as a man with no children would probably be.  If you're okay with all that, then go for it.

  2. Treat him like any other man.  Just don't pry into the particulars about his divorce, if he wants to talk about it he'll bring it up.

  3. I don't think its any different than dating a guy who has been in a relationship. Just respect him and things will be okay

  4. Its the same thing as if he were single and never married except for ONE big difference.  That difference is that when you get involved with a divorcee, you inheret all of his basically marry into her problems and their problems.  If there are children involved, this gets complicated, as many here well know.  The other parent has a right to see and be with their children and this means, IN YOUR HOME and wherever else they have a legal right to be with their children when you are there for whatever reason...and then, there is the emotional baggage, just depending on how long ago that divorce was.  A fresh divorce is typically heavy with emotional baggage.

    It might be just the other way around, he might be afraid he will be too pushy or scare YOU off, with his emotional baggage and the fact you will be marrying into his ex's problems and children.  If you can handle it, fine.  But I would be looking past this guy and at his ex.

    Just remember, there are always TWO sides to every story...his and hers.  And usually, both sides have legit reasons for divorcing.  Better find out the details of visitation rights if there are kids involved..and be expecting to see her at your doorstep to come and pick them up.  If there is nothing wrong with this as far as you are concerned, then great!  But if you feel like it would be an intrusion on your life, then you had better think twice.

  5. It seems you think divorcees are like china dolls...break easy. Your concern may be more about with their experience they will see right through you. The only guideline is to ask them to join you for lunch.

  6. Don't pry into his personal business until he is ready to tell you. He might or might not be ready to date. I personally dated someone right after they got out of a divorce and it did not work out, only because the ex wife was still in love with him, and never stopped her from her evil tricks...

  7. Giving dating advice for separated men can get dicey, especially since the term “separated” means different things to different people. The situation is rife with extra legal and emotional ramifications, so be sure you’ve really thought it through before dating if you are a separated man. I’ve put together some dating advice for separated men that will help you put things in the right perspective.

    Please read more here:

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