
Are there any guys out there who were circumcised voluntarily as adults?

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If so, and after everything healed... is there a difference in sexual sensation? Better or worse?

I'm doing research on the subject. I, like many other guys, was circumcised as an infant. I lucked out in that I didn't have a botched procedure despite the fact that I had no choice in the matter. For better or ill, I think it's best to not cut chunks out of kids in this way unless it's medically compelling to the well being of the individual child.




  1. i'm a Brit. very few of us are circumcised but ive followed a lot of the arguments on the internet and have to say after looking at all the evidence i don't think it's a necessary procedure and shouldn't be done to kids.  i met a guy once who'd been cut as an adult and his p***s looked awful... big red swollen scar, and this was after months of healing!  My mind was finally made up after seeing the babies getting circumcised on you tube..horrific!

    sorry I'm not really answering your question but i just wanted to have my say ;-)

  2. I was circumcised as an adult, age 22 and it was the best moment of my life.  All during childhood I had bouts of balanitis, itchiness, bad odour under the f******n.  Washing with soap caused extreme pain and discomfort.  Imagine going to the blackboard at school and then getting that terrible itch I didn't dare scratch from balanitis.  Plus my other friends were cut as infants.  I was so angry with my Mom about that subject.  She was so anti-circumcision and I knew from about age 8 I was going to have it done as soon as I could.  My friends who were cut had none of those problems and I wanted to be like that.  As far as sensitivity is concerned, I never had a problem with that and in fact my sensitivity was enhanced and it helped me control premature ejaculation.  All the old wives tales one hears from the people who are opposed to circumcision is nothing but that.  When my second son was born, his mother being Swedish, wouldn't have him circumcised.  But when he was only 4 years old and she was no longer with us, he at that age raised such a rucus that he wanted to be like me and his older brother who was cut.  I had him done.  He was so happy with it.  Only problem was he wanted to show it to everybody.  His older brother had to take him aside and tell him not to do that.  I will say right here and now when I first read about the anti-circ groups when I first got a computer, I was totally amazed at how wrong they were.  They have to take the cellophane off of their brains and come up to the 21st century.  Most of their material is over 60 years old and is no longer appropriate in this age of modern medicine.  And besides it seems like most of the propaganda is from people who do not have the male equipment.  Like I would never tell a woman what she should do with hers, a woman should never tell a man what to do with his.  Each one has his or her own individual sexual related things to deal with.  Only the owner of said equipment can be the true judge and authority on that subject and what is best.

  3. If the nerve receptors are on the surface with a membrane type head instead of under several layers of dryer skin, physics alone will quiatify the feelings level as actual and not subjective or reletive, without some measuring device.

    I love that word subjective, it's another one of those slippery words that you can't nail to the wall...handy dandy! Hahaha!  

    There is aslo a way of measuring, and and it's called an eeg "electoencephelograph" which measures brain wave response and intensity.

    As for voluntary circumcision!!

    If someone had it done 5 days ago, it's not even healed yet, and the person is realizing the benefits and it's cleaner etc!

    The truth is after 5 days its still with stitches and sore, and messy,  and anything but feeling beneficial!! If this is clean, what kind of hygene did that person have?

    Come on!!!!

    Reality or fantasy or a troll or just a false report?

    Me! :- )

  4. There are some out there. Most guys who do it are either having minor f******n problems (so it's not medically necessary really but they opt for it) or they just like the look or idea of a circumcised p***s, or fall for pressure. Most men are happy to be intact and don't get circumcised as adults...I've spoken to a lot of guys about it and they would never consider it. Even the ones who aren't against infant circumcision wouldn't get it done to themselves. I agree I don't think it should be done to infants, for any reason. There are no benefits to doing it to an infant. I also don't think the parents should be able to modify their child's genitals according to their religious beliefs. Sorry that you were circumcised.


  5. First of all let me say that i think this is just a troll set up for the intactivist, anti circ crowd.  I see you have your choir already giving their amens, and f******n propaganda.

    You say you are doing research on men circumcised as adults, but twice you mention botched circumcisions like it is a common occurrence. Yet you show no statistical proof. the way you make it sound. One would think that it is a life or death struggle to get circumcised.  You asked a question about adult circumcision, yet all you make reference to is infant circumcision or RIC.  as for your so called loss of nerve endings.  The body has a great way of repairing those nerve endings.  By the way, the f******n is not in play during sexual intercourse, unless you have phimosis, since it retracts and is out of the way.

    As for prohibitive risks of a botched circumcision, what are your statistics for a botched circ?  do you really know how many circumcisions are botched.  What percentage?  

    If you are really doing research on Adult Circumcisions, then here is the place to go:

    This group has over 2000 members circumcised as adults from the age of 15 to 80+ years of age.  I would suggest you ask your questions there, since they have been on both sides of the fence.Cut and uncut.

    Circumcision is the oldest surgical procedure know to civilized man. its been around for 3000 years.  If there were that many botched ones, it would have died out a long time ago.

    It was good enough for Jesus, its good enough for me.

    here is where you can get some real information on cirucumcision.

  6. I once read an article about a man who was 30 and got circumcised. He mentioned it was really painful after the procedure and did lose some feeling due to the missing nerves. Sexual sensation is always a subjective matter.

  7. I have a theory that any man who chooses to have an irreversible operation on his p***s would never, after the event, admit it was a mistake even if deep down he regrets it. This is why the testimonies of men circumcised as adults are totally implausible to me.

    I totally agree circumcision should only be done on unconsenting babies if a medical urgency arises. Men circumcised as adults will tell you the procedure was a walk in the park and the pain is nothing painkillers can't handle. If that's really the case, why not leave all boys intact so they can one day have the same choice?

  8. Had the procedure done in my twenties.  The first thing that the doctor said to me after I woke up from the procedure was "well...youve lost some lenght".  Not a good thing.     It definitely made the p***s less sensitive.  I wish that I Had NOT done it.  

  9. I got cut as an adult.  And I would never go back to being uncircumcised.  Love the feel, and love the feel of s*x.  And no more funky odor (and yes, I was very good with my hygiene.)

    I agree, though, that it's an unnecessary thing to do to infants.  Although I've had a lot of friends who said they were glad that their parents chose that for them.  So, I guess the debate will always continue.

  10. I had it done about 5 days ago now It is still healing understandably but I am already very happy with the results. As for the operation It was not painful at all, just a little uncomfortable walking around for the first 2-3 days. I have noticed a decrease in sensitivity but by that i mean it is not painful for the head of my d**k to rub against my pants anymore I the head of my p***s still gives me pleasure.

    I was hesitant to have it done when it came closer to the date but that is to be expected when you do not know what is on the otherside but now that its over I am very happy I had it done. It is cleaner and much mroe attractive and has given me a great boost in sexual confidence.

    On another note dont listen to surfandyoga he has a sick circumcision fetish and is not to be listened to. Check out some of his posts at one time he says he is very pro circumcision and then very anti-circ the next.  

  11. Dr. Edell is awesome. Circumcision is barbaric for youth or adults.

  12. I was done as a baby so I don't know how you,  the other half live. Thats a little annoying as the choice was taken from me.  

    That said I don't like elective surgery because no surgery is safe.  

    I would say leave it as it is.  

    Sure that may require a little more effort in keeping thinks clean but thats better than going under the knife for looks only.  


  13. I was circumcised at age 26. It was not medically necessary so there was no underlying damage to the f******n to make it function abnormally.At this juncture I felt that that there was sufficient evidence in the medical literature to demonstrate that the advantages of circumcision far outweighed the disadvantages.

    I have never regretted the decision and the healing was a breeze, not enough pain to require so much as a Tylenol.I am pleased with the cosmetic result and the pleasure of sexual activity was increased rather than decreased. The sensations do change, but for me the change has been an enhancement. Visually I have a reminder each day that I made an excellent choice.

    An adult is much more apt to appreciate his "cut" if he wants it and if he feels that it is a turn-on for his partner. If you want it cut then just do it and enjoy the result.

  14. we do get guys in the f******n restoration chat that got cut as adults mostly due to girlfriend/wife preference and then they regret it, the relationship also always seems to have fallen apart after being circumcised for that reason for obvious reasons

    the parts removed are 4 times more sensitive then what's left

  15. Yes! I was circumcised 9 years ago at the age of 19! To be brutally honest, I totally regret getting it done! For me, masturbation and sexual intercourse were far superior before, when I had a f******n! I've always been a clean guy, so I always kept my uncircumcised p***s in good shape, it still haunts me sometimes that as a teen I was duped into getting circumcised, I read a tonne of material that said it would only bring a lifetime of benefits, and its just untrue! But the difference between me and you is that I actually had the CHOICE! Thats why there was never any doubt that we'd leave our sons (1&3) "intact" so that can experience the same pleasure and have the same choice I once did!

  16. There is never any necessity for circumcision.    Doctors like to perform them for the slightest problem with the f******n as they make money from the procedure and frequently are members of the minority religious groups trying to impose this practice on others.

    I'm restoring my f******n.    I was a victim of male genital mutilation at birth and the nerve damage in my case was much more than average, resulting in my inability to attain o****m in normal s*x.

    Because I belong to a series of groups of restoring men, I know several individuals who were circumcised in their late teens, and they all concur that;

    s*x with an intact f******n is a.............................10

    s*x after circumcision...............................  3

    s*x after f******n restoration................................  7

    To me, every circumcision is botched.    It damages the p***s, destroys more than 50% of sexual sensitivity, and results in a smaller, scarred p***s.     The practice of genital mutilation is abnormal and unnatural.

    Even the most extreme pinhole phimosis can be treated without the drastic mutilation of circumcision.

    Female circumcision of minors is illegal in the USA.    Where is the equal protection under the law for males?     This is obviously unconstitutional.

    I'm too old, but if I were young enough, I'd bring suit against the doctor and hospital that mutilated me.    

    Infant circumcision is infant sexual abuse, and a violation of the basic human right to a whole and intact body.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  17. My grandfather just got it done and hes in his 70's.  I'd hope he isnt still having s*x, that'd just be gross.  He did tell my mother that he'd been having problems down there for quite some time and the doctor assured him he would stop having problems.

  18. How would it be involuntary as an adult?

    Google circumcision and Dr. Dean Edell. It's one of his big issues.

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