
Are there any happy taurus/leo happy couples out there?

by Guest34473  |  earlier

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i'm in a relationship with a taurus man and i'm a leo woman and most horoscopes say we don't get along but i just wanted to see if anyone else could prove otherwise.





  1. I am a Leo woman married to a Taurus man for nearly 5 years but the 4th of July was our real, true first date 8 years ago.  I think it's what you make it - regardless of the Zodiac!

    We both led pretty unconventional lives - he toured with bands as a Lighting guy and I worked in Supply Chain Management.  We saw each other infrequently but it kept it hot!

    Then, Shazam!  I had my first (and only) child - a beautiful son - with this man and then he continued to tour and I was -for all intents and purposes - a single mom for 3-1/2 years.  I hated it and him.

    He stopped touring a year ago and we are all still adjusting to him being in the home ALL THE TIME but it is what it is and for the most part, it's good.  

    I know for me, as a Leo woman, there are not many men at all who would have put up with me this long and still love me.  Leos are a little crazy sometimes, you know?

    Again, it is what you make it but I think Taurus & Leo are a true love/life match!

    From: a Taurus-loving-Leo

  2. there is always an exception to the rule. some people were just made for a certain someone.

    astrologically speaking both leo and taurus are too stubborn and unwilling to change to get along well. they are very different and they believe that their opinion is the most important, and so they disagree then fight a lot.

    cudos to Kacky, as it takes 2 strong individuals to be together and make things work for 10 years. especially when they are not compatible.

    everyone in my family who has had happy long term relationships and marriages have been compatible according to astrology. in fact there are only a couple of marriages in my family who are not astrologically compatible, and it is SOOOOOO obvious that they don't get along, even though they love each other very much and work hard every day to get along and work to understand each other.

    oh, and by the way, each sign has 4 perfect matches that are soul mates for it. they make great friends and lovers and contacts all around.

    for leo, the best signs for you to get close to are:

    libra, aries, gemini, and sagitarius.

    think about how many people you know with these signs, then think about your relationships with them. wouldn't you want a man to date that understood you or inspired you so well?

  3. Ignore it. I'm a Taurus woman with a Leo man. We are opposites and we still adore each other after 10 years. We've never had a fight. I think people get divorced because they try to make everyone around them the same as themselves. b-o-r-i-n-g!

    One clue that astrological signs are a myth, is that it's divided into 12 equal sections. Things just don't work that way

    Anyway, the key for two stubborn people is to both stay set in your ways without requiring the other person to change for you. You have to like them already, the way they are.


  4. I'm not sure if its happy :-) but my grandparents are these signs (g.father is Leo) and they r married over 40 years :D. They are always arguing :-D. My Leo friend date a Taurus girl and she dump him after 2 weeks :-(.

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