
Are there any haunted places around mysore where you can feel paranormal experiences?

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Are there any haunted places around mysore where you can feel paranormal experiences?




  1. there are haunted places everyone, including mysore.  one easy thing to try is to get a oiuja board and go to the cemetary

  2. I'd hope they make at least as much as a Circus Clown.Probably not though.

  3. I don't have any sores.  Therefore I can't really answer your questions.  I'll go hit myself and come back and tell ya if there are any hauntings around it.

  4. Roswell.

  5. I live on Cape Cod. I'm sure there is a manifestation in my house because if I fall asleep with my foot near the bed edge, I have gotten slapped a number of times. It isn't a muscle twitch either because for that to happen there would be a muscle pull and my body would move. You can tell the difference when someone hits you. I haven't said anything to my wife or kids yet because I don't want a problem, obviously. I have never said a thing till right here and right now. Other things have happened also, but those might be explained away.

  6. You can feel a paranormal experience anywhere if you are open to it.  The transcendence felt in church is a good example.  Another example are the many leprechaun sightings in Mobile, Alabama.  Yet another would be anywhere in Mexico where 800 Mexicans are clustered around a stop sign with a water stain  that looks like the Virgin Mary.

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