
Are there any health insurance plans for people who are?

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  1. Yes, there are - you'll just have to search for a plan that would accept the level of obesity you may be at.  Plus there maybe a higher premium.  Best advise - find a job that offers insurance =)

  2. Hi Sarahlyn,

    Individual health plans treat height/weight ratio as a risk factor like any other conditions.  Private health plans will have height/weight tables that they use during the underwriting process.  They will ask for your weight on the application and  then using that height to weight table, you'll either be offered a plan with the "preferred" rate (the street rate that everyone else pays), or you'll be offered a "modified" rate, where they add a specific percentage of premium mark up onto your plan.  It could be 20%, 50%, etc.  Different health plans have different percentages that they'll apply.  

    You will have a choice as to whether you accept the policy at the increased premium or not.  That rate stays in place for the duration of your coverage with that plan.  If you lose weight and believe you would fall under the normal guidelines, most health plans will require that you go through the application/underwriting process to requalify.  

    The insurance companies are allowed to add this addtional premium because statistically, people with heigher weights use more healthcare services, and therefore you'll need to pay a higher premium.

    There will be situations where if your weight is above the maximum allowed by the insurance carriers, you could be declined for individual insurance coverage.  

    All insurance carriers have to provide their respective state insurance agencies with their height/weight tables as part of their underwriting guidelines, however the height/weight tables are different from carrier to carrier.  So if you find that you've been declined from one carrier, you may want to apply to another carrier in the hopes that their height to weight table is more lenient.  

    I hope this information has proved helpful.  Good luck and let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Kathy K

  3. Most states have a guaranteed issue high risk insurance pool for otherwise un-insurable people. Sometimes the premium is based on your income. Email me and I will try to help you, or contact your states insurance commissioner's office.


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