
Are there any healthy places in africa?

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  1. Yes there are alot of healthy places to visit in Africa. Why not try Kenya. Kenya has alot of beautiful attractions from Wildlife, White Sandy Beaches to the different cultures that inhabit this beautiful land.

    For more information feel free to contact me at i'm a freelance tour guide / consultant.

  2. hum...excuse me! Africa is a continent with 53 countries! i can't tell you about all the cities and countries in there...but yes! you'll find places where you'll not want to go back to your country!

    you'll  need to ask a specific i don't have any answer, b/c it's just soooo generalizationnn.......

    as the others said, the "media" is the reason why people think Africa is a country and have unhealthy "places" as you mentioned it. i can't hold it against you...but take a lil bit of time to turn off "discovery channel","CNN","ABC" and learn your geography! it's the knowing about the world around you!

    you find poor people in America,people wit AIDS in America,people dying with CANCER in America,people dying with OBESITY in America,parents killing their KIDS in America,people stealing in America,people cutting themselves in America.....

  3. Yes Take Egypt For Example Africa Is Not Like What Most People Think It's Not Disease, Insect Ridden Continent

  4. are you day dreaming? africa is not what many fools think it is,, it has many countries that are different in all things,,,, ever heard of namibia?

  5. What is a healthy place? You might be trying to say Africa has no civilization? Actually it has many cities and yes people do live there. You won't get aids just because you touch something. In fact you'll get aids if your careless. Disease in africa is mostly a problem for those who don't take precaution. There plenty of dangers in america as well. f Africa was an unhealthy place would Africans have such a strong growth rate?

  6. What a question!

    Yes there are. Africa is a big continent and is not what you think it is.

    Oh, we do not have wild animal running around wild.

    A country like South Africa has good hospitals in the private sector (SA doctors are sought after all over the world).

    Did you know that the first heart transplant was done by a South African doctor named Dr Chris Barnard in Cape Town South Africa.

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