
Are there any high school courses you must take in order to get into an archeology or anthropology major?

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are there any high school courses you must take in order to get into an archeology or anthropology undergrad major?

i have about a 93% average in 11th grade and the classes i am taking for that area of study are world history, world religions, biology and philosophy

any suggestions?




  1. I suggest Latin. It helps in many fields.

  2. no dude.....

  3. Get good grades to get into the school  of your choice where they will offer you the courses you want to take. Science and history are important but so is writing well and doing math. If they offer geology, take it, Your courses seem fine. Enjoy school. You can take courses you don't have, in college.

  4. Just take your general classes and get good grades.  Take a sociology class and a few senior biology and genetics courses. If you can test out of a few college classes you'll be a step a head.  Know your Calculus, it will come in handy during your first qualitative methods or statistics class. You wont have to worrying about specializing in archaeology till your graduate career which is a ways up the road.  Just keep your grades up and when you get to college your advisers in the anthropology department will layout your schedule for you in courses you'll need to take.  For now if your interested in seeing what that my look like, look online at the school that you are interested in attending, the dept. of anthropology, and look for a description of the program and search for any link to the undergraduate catalog which will give you a description of the course you'll have to take as an undergraduate and the course offered in anthropology.  The only advice that I could give you about thinking ahead, get a B.S. if offered in anthropology rather than a B.A. (which means that you're a little more specialized in the science)  will help you a little if your going for archaeology or physical or Biological.

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