
Are there any home based businesses that aren't scams?

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Are there any home based businesses that aren't scams?




  1. Be VERY careful with the information you receive.  Some may look like a good deal because they don't ask you to pay anything up front and they ask for you information...and then you end up being a victim of identity fraud.  Do your homework and research whatever company you decide to go with and make sure they are legit before giving any information out.  I work at home as The Candle Lady and love what I do!

  2. SFI for sure. BBB reliability program meber, doesnt get more legit than that.

    its an online affiliate Network with about 10,000,000 active members (making it the biggest) and provides 24/7 support.

    sign up here, Free

    if you need more help after signup, contact your sfi sponser.

  3. I can assure you this is not a scam and if you email me i can send you proof.

  4. There are but you have to do your homework. I did a search and there are scholarship scams, even medicare card scams. This is a site that came up it has a lot of info about different types and categories of scams to watch for.

    Most business do not think they are scams. They offer work to those willing to work. Some do try to get money and give nothing in return. You are correct in being cautious with your time and money, both are a precious commodity.

  5. It depends on your definition of scam.  You have to be happy with the product or service given by the company.  The more fearful you are of the idea of "scamming" businesses the less likely you will be to take action on a good business opportunity.  Find out what others are doing and if those people seem truthful follow their lead and join their companies.  Reputable companies would never want negative feedback!

  6. Yes.

    These are the one GMA talked about

    Although some of these do make good money you have to relaly work for them like in job.

    if you have any doubts like it seems to good to be true it probably is. but if you want to doublel check just check it at When i got some offers for those scam home businesses when i ran them through you didn't have to scroll very far to notice that it was a fraud.

    Good Luck!!!

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